Jan 02, 2025  
2021-2022 Student Handbook & University Policies 
2021-2022 Student Handbook & University Policies [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Life University Policy Of Policies UL.001

LU Policy Number: UL.001

Effective Date: 10/1/2016

Approval Date: 10/1/2016

Revised Date: N/A

Purpose: Establishment of processes and procedures for developing, issuing and maintaining Life University’s institutional policies covering all areas of the University and promote consistency in the application of these processes and procedures.

Additional Authority: N/A

N/A Scope: Applies to all Life University Institutional policies

Approval Authority: Provost/EVPAA

Responsible Authority: Provost/EVPAA

Definitions: N/A 

Policy Title

Life University Policy of Policies

Policy Statement

This policy ensures that Life University community has a values-congruent basis and foundation with access to well defined and understandable policies. These policies will:

Support Life University’s philosophy, vision, mission and Eight Core Proficiencies.

  • Continuously position and focus the University on its strategic objectives.

  • Provide the whole community which includes faculty, staff, and students with clear and defined guidelines consistent with the Standards of Lasting Purpose (i.e. policies are designed with an attitude of helpfulness, to be user-friendly in ways that support best practices/solutions and support productive relationships among constituents). 

  • Promote accountability within the University areas/departments

  • Document how the University conducts its affairs.

All Life University policies will be:

  • Recommended from a designated University department/ policy area.

  • Officially approved by the appropriate approval authority.

  • Enforceable and managed by a designated responsible authority.

  • Easily accessible by all interested parties.

  • Kept up to date and reviewed at appropriate intervals.

All Life University policies must fall under a hierarchy of laws, statutes, and regulations, the higher governing authorities for all University policies include:

  • Federal laws.

  • Board of Education policies and procedures (Federal & State).

  • State of Georgia laws and statutes. 

Policy Development

Individuals (faculty, staff, and students) or policy areas (as stated in the policy manual) proposing a new policy or seeking to amend an existing policy must work with the designated responsible office of the relevant University department/ policy area to draft the proposal or amendments using the approved policy template.

The policy proposal must adhere to all requirements as stated in the policy template and checklist to ensure compliance and a consistent standard across the University.

The University department/ policy area responsible for the policy proposal must ensure that the details of the policy comply with any higher authorities’ law, regulations or policies.

All policy proposals including amendments and reviews must pass through the appropriate group/committee or university areas for initial review. More so, appropriate stakeholders who are subject matter experts must contribute to the review

In situations where a policy proposal has to pass through a committee or group, recommendations and review must be approved through a voting system with a majority vote required.

Review bodies for policy proposals including amendments and reviews may include but are not limited to Faculty Senate, Academic Council and other committees/groups as designated by the Board of Trustees, President or Provost of Life University.

The policy proposal must be forwarded to the appropriate approval authority for approval. In some cases, the final policy proposal must be submitted to the University legal counsel for review.

Minor policy amendments/reviews can be approved by the President, Provost or designated approval authority depending on the University department/area to which it applies.

The Board of Trustees, President and Provost reserve the right to adopt, amend or suspend a policy without prior notice or comment, as is deemed necessary. In the event such action is taken, the appropriate stakeholders will be notified the policy has been declined for adoption, amended or suspended along with the rationale for taking such action.

In certain cases, the designated approval authorities can delegate policy approval rights depending on the University department/area to their respective management subordinates i.e. Vice Presidents, Vice Provost, Deans, Assistant Deans, Executive Directors, and Directors. 


Office of the Provost will maintain, manage and archive all Life University institutional policies, including the development process.

Individuals or departments seeking to amend or revise a policy must initiate the process by contacting the Office of the Provost. 

With respect to new policies, the proposals must pass through the appropriate responsible authority of the relevant University area.

On approval of a policy proposal, a policy number shall be issued and communicated to the University community at large through designated communication channels.

Other Notes