Jan 02, 2025
2021-2022 Student Handbook & University Policies [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Student Conduct-Travel Policy SP.005
LU Policy Number: SP. 005
Effective Date: 1/1/2015
Approval Date: 1/1/2015
Revised Date: N/A
Purpose: Pertains to conduct of student-athletes during travel
Additional Authority: N/A
Scope: All Students (COC&CGUS) of Life University
Approval Authority: Provost/EVPAA
Responsible Authority: Sports/Athletics
Definitions: N/A
Policy Title
Student Conduct-Travel Policy
Policy Statement
The purpose of the student-athlete travel policy is to provide a framework for the safe and efficient travel of athletic teams at Life University. When traveling as official representatives of Life University to athletic competitions, events and appearances, student-athletes’ actions should reflect favorably on the University, their team and themselves. Student-athletes are expected to adhere to their particular team’s dress code, team rules, and curfew. Violations of University and/or Athletic Department policies while traveling as a representative of Life University is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with in a serious manner.
All student-athletes must travel to and from ALL away contests with transportation provided by Life University. Student-athletes may be released upon approval of the head coach and/or Director of Athletics to their parent(s) or guardian only for the return travel from an away contest. Under no circumstances may one team member or a team member’s parent(s) transport a teammate in their vehicle. Only in emergency circumstances, and approval of the Athletic Director, will an exception be granted.
Use of any drugs, including alcohol, while traveling is strictly prohibited.
Since attire reflects directly upon the student-athlete and his/her team, student-athletes should take a special interest in their personal appearance, especially when traveling with their team. Head coaches will set dress code standards when traveling and may also specify what constitutes appropriate dress while the student-athletes are representing the University at other times.
Student-athletes and coaches should treat the facilities of the opposing team with care and respect and leave the locker rooms and other facilities that are used in even better condition than it was prior to the team’s arrival.
Other Notes