Mar 07, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Pre-Chiropractic Curriculum (Offered Online and On-Campus)

Pre-Chiropractic Curriculum

The University offers a pre-chiropractic curriculum that is designed for those interested in a career in health professions, particularly Chiropractic. The pre-DC pathway is non-degree granting and provides the minimum entrance requirements for the Doctor of Chiropractic Program. 

Undergraduate preparation should demonstrate a well-rounded general education program including a minimum of 20 semester credit hours/30 quarter credit hours from the following subject areas:

  1. English Composition or literature minimum 3 semester credit hours or 4.5 quarter credits
  2. Humanities minimum 3 semester credit hours/4.5 quarter credits
  3. Social Sciences minimum 3 semester credit hours/4.5 quarter credits
  4. College Algebra or higher minimum 3 semester credit hours/4.5 quarter credits
  5. Unduplicated Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Computer or Business courses minimum 8 semester credit hours/12 quarter credits

In addition, the following minimum completion requirements must be met:

  1. Equivalent of three years of undergraduate studies toward degree completion (90 semester credit hours/135 quarter credit hours) at an institution(s) accredited by a regional or national accrediting body recognized by US Department of Education or an equivalent foreign agency.
  2. GPA for those 90 semester credit hours/135 quarter credit hours of not less than a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  3. The 90 semester credit hours/135 quarter credit hours will include a minimum of 24 semester credit hours/36 quarter credit hours in life and physical science courses, specifically Biology or related courses (6 semester credit hours/9 quarter credit hours), General Chemistry or related courses (6 semester credit hours/9 quarter credit hours), and Additional Sciences (12 semester credit hours/18 quarter credit hours). Labs are highly recommended for these courses.
  • Of these 24 semester credit hours/36 quarter credit hours, a grade C or higher must be obtained, and at least half of these courses will have a substantive laboratory component.

It is strongly recommended for all matriculants without a Bachelor’s degree to consider fulfilling their pre-chiropractic admissions requirements in a manner that coincides with a plan toward completing a future bachelor’s degree. Consult with an Academic Advisor or the Office of the Dean of the College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies regarding specific pathways.

Students should review the Core Curriculum and/or the course requirements of specific Bachelor’s degree for coursework fulfilling DC program entrance requirements.

The following is an example of a pathway that provides the minimum criteria for entrance into the Doctor of Chiropractic Program at Life University, while also providing coursework necessary for completing the Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. 

Quarter 1                 Quarter 5    
ENG 101 English Comp 5   BIO 312  Cell Biology 5
MAT 101 College Algebra 5   ENG 204 World Literature 5
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology 5   PSY 356 Personality Psychology 5
PSY 101 General Psychology 5   PSY 340 Sport Psychology 5
    Total: 20       Total: 20
Quarter 2       Quarter 6    
ENG 102 English Comp II 5   BIO 316 Principles of Genetics 5
CIM 101 Intro to Computers 5   PSY 311 Intro to Life Coaching 5
HUM 211 Intercultural Communications 5   PSY 459 Leadership & Group Process 5
BIO 111 General Biology 5   POL 202 Comparative & International Politics 5
    Total: 20       Total: 20
Quarter 3       Quarter 7    
ENG 203 World Literature I 5   BIO 336 Vertebrate Biology 5
BIO 112 General Biology II 5   PSY 466 Psychology of Mind and Body 5
HIS 101 World Civilization to 1500 5   PSY 468 Psychosocial Aspects of Pain Management 5
CHM 111 General Chemistry I 5   PSY 203 Compassion & Secular Ethics 6
    Total: 20       Total: 21
Quarter 4            
CHM 112 General Chemistry II 5        
NTR 240 Medical Terminology 2        
PSY 255 Positive Psychology 5       Total: 141
BIO 315 Principles of Ecology 5   Quarter 8 Can begin Doctor of Chiropractic Program  
HUM 101 Music Appreciation 2        
    Total: 20        



Students who have not met the standard requirements for admissions into the Doctor of Chiropractic Program may be considered for the Alternative Admissions Track if they:

1. Have a GPA of 2.75-2.99 for the required 90 semester credit hours/135 quarter credit hours,


2. Have completed a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and have a GPA of 2.75-4.0 for the required 90 semester credit hours/135 quarter credit hours but do not possess the minimum CCE criteria for regular admissions.

All science courses used toward admissions must be completed with a grade of C or higher, and at least half should have a substantive laboratory component. All students eligible for admission under the AAT will be considered on an individual basis based upon their educational transcript evaluation.

Final decision for admission into the Doctor of Chiropractic program rests with the Dean of the College of Chiropractic.