Jun 02, 2024  
2016-2017 Student Handbook 
2016-2017 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Section I: Introduction

Vision of LIFE University
Core Values  
Mission of College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies  
Mission of College of Chiropractic  

Our Vision for LIFE University

Our Purpose is to provide students with the vision to fulfill their innate potential, the inspiration to engage in a quest for self-discovery and the ability to apply a principled approach to their future roles as leaders in humanitarian service and as citizens in their community. Our goal is to maximize the expression of the perfection within.

We recognize – that all organic systems in the universe are conscious, self-developing, self-maintaining and self-healing.

We believe – that these systems work best when they are free of interference.

We understand – that the nervous system is primarily responsible for orchestrating the internal and external dialogue of the body necessary for life.

We acknowledge – that there are three interferences to the nervous system: physical trauma, environmental toxins and emotional stress.

Therefore, our purpose is to correct these interferences, allowing the organism to express its innate potential.

Of critical importance is our Doctor of Chiropractic degree, which is focused on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system and the aberration, called vertebral subluxation, as well as its detection and correction, allowing a greater expression of the perfection within.

LIFE’s Promise

With its vitalistic vision, clearly defined performance proficiencies and measurable criteria for success, a Life University education will produce leaders who exemplify humanistic values and, in a world where change is constant, provide innovative approaches to direct that change to elevate society and evolve its healthcare system.

The Mission of LIFE University

The Mission of Life University is to empower each student with the education, skills and values needed for career success and life fulfillment based on a vitalistic philosophy. The University’s undergraduate, graduate and professional programs – each one committed to excellence in teaching, learning, research and the overall student experience – offer a vision and the promise for a meaningful life, the proficiencies necessary to achieve optimum personal performance and the wisdom to become transformational leaders in an increasingly diverse, global and dynamic world.

LIFE’s Core Values

In conjunction with providing specialty degrees in natural health sciences, business, technology and the humanities, Life University is committed to delivering an education designed around a set of Core Values that advance personal integrity and provide the foundation for professional success, social contribution and cultural change. These values distinguish a Life University education.

Integrity & Citzenship

Integrity provides the underpinning for the responsible exercise of our rights and responsibilities as human beings. Integrity leads to empowerment and excellence, while a lack of integrity results in mediocrity. Life University teaches students how to manage personal integrity and function as valued citizens within the academic, healthcare and larger communities.

Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Extensive research outlines the hallmarks of effective leadership. Life University draws on this body of knowledge and teaches students how to apply it in an entrepreneurial setting to build a successful business or organization.

Learning Theory / Critical Thinking

Life University engages students in critical thinking by teaching them how to gather meaningful data, synthesize new information with existing knowledge, think independently, and search for practical application of their knowledge in professional practice and daily life. We exhort our students to not only learn skills, but to also become innovators who contribute positively to their communities.

Contemporary Scientific Paradigms

For thousands of years, and especially since the work of Sir Isaac Newton, humankind’s scientific understanding of the functioning of the universe has been based largely on a mechanistic model. Contemporary quantum physics opens the door to a much more vitalistic understanding of human dynamics. Life University will expose our students to the implications of these models, especially as they apply to research in health care.

Philosophy of Human Existence & Health Care Policy

Healthcare systems evolve from healthcare philosophies. Although our most institutionalized systems today revolve around a mechanistic view of health, Life University sees value in a vitalistic view of human function. With a growing body of evidence to support vitalistic concepts in the healthcare milieu, Life University is spearheading change that will revolutionize our nation’s approach to health care and healthcare education. Our faculty clearly identify these key issues for students and teach them how to evaluate new information and direct professional dialogues that will lead to new health care policy.

Communication & Relationship Theory / Skills

An ability to communicate effectively and the capacity for building relationships with others are critical factors in personal, business and life success. These skills can be developed. Life University challenges its students to develop and utilize the skills of effective listening, empathy, interpersonal skills and public speaking to create clear communications and foster meaningful professional relationships with members of the public, patients, colleagues and key opinion leaders.professional relationships with members of the public, patients, colleagues and key opinion leaders.

The Mission of the College of Graduate and Undergrate Studies

The Mission of the Life University College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies is to empower students to achieve successful careers and meaningful lives, based on a vitalistic philosophy that promotes optimum performance and transformational leadership, to produce a positive impact in a dynamic world.

The Mission of the College of Chiropractic

The mission of the Life University College of Chiropractic, centered on the Vertebral Subluxation Complex, is to educate, mentor and graduate skilled and compassionate Doctors of Chiropractic to be primary care clinicians, physicians, teachers and professionals, using the University’s Core Values as their foundation.