Jan 24, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Winter 2019 Quarterly Announcements

Winter 2019 Academic Quarterly Announcements


Important Dates to Remember: Academic Calendar   

General LIFE Announcements

Policy Updates

Undergraduate Provisionally Admitted Student Policy (Effective Fall 2018)


Undergraduate students who are admitted on a provisional basis are placed on an Academic Performance Contract at the beginning of their quarter of entry. The Academic Performance Contract may extend an additional one to two quarters before the student is held to Academic Standing policies or academic progress guidelines. Admitted status does not change; if the provisions of admission are satisfactorily completed, the student is then removed from Academic Performance Contract, and the student is governed by the same policies and procedures as indicated in the Academic Standing Policy AS.038. If the provisions of admission are not satisfactorily completed, the student is academically dismissed.

Attendance Policy (Revision) (Effective Winter 2019)


Life University supports the intellectual growth and development of its students and expects each student to take responsibility for their academic progress. Therefore, attendance at all regularly- scheduled classes is expected and will be taken during weeks two (2) and seven (7) at a minimum; however, certain circumstances may preclude attendance at some class sessions.


Attendance policies are listed in each course syllabus.

All faculty members will, at the beginning of each quarter, make a clear statement in the course syllabus describing course procedures for handling absences. Procedures and frequency of recording attendance should be consistent with assessment frequency and must be discussed and approved by the appropriate college dean. Students are obligated to adhere to the requirements of each course. Faculty are encouraged to provide opportunities for students to make up work missed due to an excused absence. Students who are absent from class must make arrangements for making up the missed material prior to the next regular class. Further, the faculty member will monitor course attendance through engagement of the student, whether it be taking attendance, or some form of in-course activity to demonstrate engagement. For online courses, the student is expected to complete at least one academically related activity per week.

When a student is compelled, for any reason, to be absent from class, the student should immediately convey the reason for the absence directly to the faculty member. The student is responsible for all material presented and for all announcements and assignments covered during their absence.

Excused Absences

Excused absences are recognized in the following cases:

  1. University Sanctioned Events
  • Any student enrolled in any program of study at Life University may be officially excused from class(es) to represent the University at University sanctioned events as identified by the President. Excuses for absenteeism for University• sanctioned events may also be granted by the Deans.
  • “University sanctioned events” may include, but are not limited to, activities such as those involving university athletic teams, student government, ambassadors or university clubs, trips related to academic courses, as well as any other university sanctioned event approved by the President. Approval of such absences will be granted only if the faculty receives advance notice from the faculty member or university official sponsoring the activity.
  • Students excused for University-sanctioned events must make arrangements with members of the faculty to make up lecture and lab hours missed. This is to be documented by the faculty and submitted to the appropriate dean.
  • Certain responsibilities upon all persons involved are as follows: The supervisor/advisor of the student or group participating in the extracurricular activity shall send written request to the appropriate dean at least two weeks (if possible) in advance of the absence. This request should include the name of the event, the date of the event, all travel schedules, and names of all students involved.
  • Each student’s supervisor must notify the appropriate persons of any changes in the schedules as soon as changes are known.
  • Faculty must allow students to take assessments either during the five class days prior to the absence or within the five class days following the absence. (The faculty member may dictate when a make-up assessment is to be taken.) Also, faculty members will prepare similar assessments of the same rigor and content as those administered to the other students in the class.
  • Students must notify each faculty member that he or she is participating in a program that may create excused absences throughout the quarter. Students must provide a schedule of events at the beginning of the quarter to each faculty, if one is available.
  • Students will make arrangements with faculty to make up labs and any other work within five school days following the absence.
  1. Personal
  • Acceptable excuses include, but are not limited to, death/imminent death of family member, personal sickness or illness of a dependent family member, illness that is too severe or contagious for students to attend class, and/or natural disaster or significant weather event.
  • Excuses for class absences due to health must be signed and documented with letterhead, address, and phone number of the licensed health care provider.
  • Excuses for class absences due to death of an immediate family member must be signed and documented with letterhead, address, and telephone number of the clergyman, or with an obituary.
  • Such documentation must be presented to the faculty within the first week upon return to class(es), with an information copy furnished to the Dean of the respective college.Failure to do this within the specified time will result in the student’s absence being charged as an unexcused absence and may result in the assignment of a failing grade for excessive absences.
  1. Legal Obligations
  • Acceptable excuses include those absences due to legal obligations such as jury duty or military orders. Appropriate documentation must be presented to the faculty within the first week upon return to class(es), with an information copy furnished to the Dean of the respective college. Failure to do this within the specified time will result in the student’s absence being charged as an unexcused absence and may result in the assignment of a failing grade for excessive absences.
  1. Religious Observations
  • Students wishing to have an excused absence due to the observation of a religious holiday of special importance must provide advance written request to each faculty by the end of the first week of classes.
  1. Class Attendance by Veterans
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs requires that institutions of higher learning immediately report when a student discontinues attendance for any reason. Faculty must report to the Registrar’s Office the absence of a veteran student as soon as it known that the veteran student will not be returning to class. Generally, this should be reported after one week of absences and no later than two weeks of nonattendance by a veteran student.

Undergraduate Maximum Credit Hours Per Quarter Policy (Effective Winter 2019)


Undergraduate students may enroll for a maximum of 20 credit hours per quarter. Those students seeking to take more than 20 credit hours must have an institutional cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and must receive approval from the Dean.


The student must contact, in writing, the Dean’s Office requesting permission to take more than 20 credit hours in any given quarter by Friday of Week 10 the prior quarter. The required form must include rationale as to why the additional credits are needed as well as the student’s current cumulative GPA and total credits completed toward degree. The Dean or his/her designee will review the request and respond to the student.

Any student who has enrolled in more than 20 credit hours without permission of the Dean will be contacted and asked to withdraw from courses sufficient enough to lower the total credit

hours being attempted to 20 or less. If the student does not respond, the Dean’s Office will withdraw the student from courses sufficient enough to lower the total credit hours being attempted to 20 hours or less.

Payment Due Information to all Students

For Winter Quarter 2019 payment is due by Sunday, January 20, 2019 (including mandatory meal plans). Dis-enrollment by the Registrar’s office will be effective January 21, 2019. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Student Accounts office.

Acceptable Forms of Payment

  1. Confirmed financial aid (loans, grants, and scholarships)*
  2. Credit Cards and checks via online through EagleNet
**NEW Winter 2019 Payment Plan**

Enrollment starts on 11/18/18 and ends on 01/11/19. Installment payments are due Jan 12th, Feb 12th & March 12th. Enrollment to the payment plan no longer extends after Friday of week 1. You must enroll prior by Friday of week 1 to take advantage of the payment plan ($25 Setup Fee).

Simple Steps to Enroll:

  1. Go to EagleNet
  2. Click on Student Accounts
  3. Click on LU Payment Plan
  4. Click Enroll in Payment Plan

Neither Your Diploma nor your Transcript will be released until all financial obligations to the University have been met. 

Winter Quarter Financial Aid Disbursement Procedures

Direct Deposit. Life University is pleased to provide direct deposit for all living expense disbursements. To have your monies deposited directly into your U.S. bank account, visit EagleNet to enroll.

Disbursement Policy. 19/WI Qtr. initial disbursements for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Pell Grant, GTEG, and SEOG will begin in the first week of classes January 7, 2019.

Life University will release living expense refunds to students only after verifying student’s attendance status and making sure no financial or academic holds are on their records. Students must be enrolled in courses counting towards their degree to be reviewed for aid eligibility. Federal aid cannot be awarded for courses that do not count toward the degree. 

All unpaid tuition/fees/meal plans and other University debts (such as but not limited to lab fees or institutional charges) are deducted from students’ financial aid before disbursement. 

The disbursement for Graduate PLUS Loans, HOPE Scholarship and all other scholarships for Winter Quarter 2019 will occur during the 2nd week of the quarter, provided funds are available. Only students who have submitted all the necessary paperwork will have their disbursement available during this time frame.

Please remember that in order to qualify for Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant GTEG you must be enrolled UG full-time (12 hours or more) as of January 14, 2019 for Winter Quarter. In addition, to qualify for a full-time HOPE award you must be enrolled UG full-time as of January 14, 2019, otherwise, you will receive a part-time (6-11 hours) HOPE award.

Living Expense Refund. Direct Deposits will be made when all proceeds have been received and all eligibility requirements for Financial Aid programs have been met, and in accordance with Federal Regulations related to Title IV funds which are: 

  • No later than 14 days after the first day of class if Federal funds are credited on or before the first day of class. OR
  • No later than 14 days after the credit balance occurred if the funds were credited after classes began.

You will receive your living expense refund on or after January 7, 2019:

  • If you are making Satisfactory Academic Progress (as defined by the Financial Aid office), and
  • Your aid proceeds have been disbursed to Life University. 

However, if you receive a living expense refund before January 7, 2019 and drop hours the week of January 7th, you may be over-awarded on your financial aid eligibility. Federal Regulations require that the Financial Aid Department notify the Office of Student Accounts to send back the amount of your aid, if any, you are not eligible to receive, due to the drop-in hours. (See Disbursement Policy above).

Your refund may be delayed if you filed your Financial Aid forms late, or they are incomplete. 

Drop & Meal Plan Refund Calculations for Winter 2019

Life University’s College of Chiropractic & College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies

11 Week Courses Tuition & Meal Plan Refund Meal Plan Usage
Week 1 on or before January 11 100% 0
Week 2 Jan 12 to Jan 18 90% 10
Week 3 Jan 19 to Jan 25 50% 50
Weeks 4-6 Jan 26 to Feb 15 25% 75
Week 7-end of quarter Feb 16 to Mar 23 0% 100

First 5-week Courses

Dates     Refund %
On or before   Jan 11 100%
Jan 12 to Jan 18 90%
Jan 19 to Jan 25 50%
Jan 26 to Feb 11 25%
Feb 12 to Mar 5 0%

Second 5-week Courses

Dates     Refund %
On or before   Feb 9 100%
Feb 10 to Feb 22 90%
Feb 23 to Mar 1 50%
Mar 2 to Mar 8 25%
Mar 9 to Mar 23 0%

However, even if your Financial Aid has been received prior to dropping classes, it will have to be re-evaluated to determine eligibility and amount.

Graduation Information

Please click on the following links for graduation information:


To register for classes visit EagleNet

Please visit the Registrar’s web page for more information on the following:

  • Official Document Holds
  • Transcripts and Transcript Releases
  • Registration and Procedures
  • Guidelines for Registration
  • Enrollment Verification

Preregistration Time Summary

Priority Preregistration for GR and UG begins Saturday, November 17, 2018 and ends Monday, November 19, 2018 at 7am.

Priority Preregistration for DC begins Saturday, November 24, 2018 and ends Monday, November 26, 2018 at 7am.

GR and UG: Assigned preregistration starts Monday, November 19, 2018.

DC students: Assigned preregistration starts Monday, November 26, 2018.

To view your DC, Graduate, or Undergraduate Preregistration time, please login to EagleNet. Preregistration for all programs ends on Sunday, December 2, 2018, at 11:59pm.

Registration for current and returning students will open on Monday, December 3, 2018 at 8am and will remain open until Friday, January 11, 2019, 11:59pm.

College of Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Announcements

Final Exam Schedules for Winter 2019

Department of Nutrition: UG Final Exam Schedule   

Department of Nutrition: MS Final Exam Schedule  

Natural Sciences & Mathematics: Final Exam Schedule   

Psychology & General Studies: Final Exam Schedule   

Department of Sport Health Science: UG Final Exam Schedule   

Undergraduate Winter Quarter 2019 Accelerated Classes

1st 5 weeks
January 7, 2019 - February 12, 2019

2nd 5 weeks
February 13, 2019 - March 19, 2019

SHS 142  - First Aid CPR
Fri. 8AM-2PM

ENV 101  - Meteorology
Tues, Thurs, Fri.  1-3PM

SHS 401  - Current Trends in Weight Management
Tues, Thurs. 1-3PM

POL 110  - Current World Topics
Mon, Wed. 1-3PM


FLM 102  - World Cinema
Tues, Thur, Fri. 3-5PM


PSY 160  - Careers in Psychology
Tues, Thurs. 9-11AM


SHS 102  - Personal Health and Fitness
Tues, Thurs. 1pm-3pm


SHS 142  - First Aid CPR                           
Fri. 8AM-2PM


SHS 324  - Concepts of Chiropractic
Tues, Thur. 1-3PM


NTR 320  - Alternative Nutrition
Fri. 8AM-12PM

Registration for 2nd 5 weeks will continue and end on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. Prerequisites may apply to some courses. Click on the course name for more information.


Graduate and Undergraduate Students: Preregistration begins Monday, November 19, 2018. Preregistration times are assigned by earned institutional credits. Please log into EagleNet to view your scheduled pre-registration time.

College of Chiropractic Announcements

Final Exam Schedule for Fall 2018

Doctor of Chiropractic Final Exam Schedule   

NBCE Information

Life University Requirements/Rules for Certification of National Board Eligibility      

Upcoming NBCE Application Deadlines & Administration Dates

NBCE Parts I, II, III and Physiotherapy

Part IV

For further information regarding NBCE testing please visit MyNBCE.org.

Preregistration Schedule for Doctor of Chiropractic Program

Preregistration for DC students begins on Monday, November 26, 2018. Preregistration is assigned by the number of completed institutional credits. Please login to EagleNet to view your scheduled preregistration time.

Clinic Announcements

For information on Level I, Level II, and Level III (PEAK and Outreach) please visit the PEAK Intern Handbook and the Outreach Intern Handbook located on Blackboard. 

Clinic Re-Entry Information for Students/Interns

If you are not active in clinic for one or more quarters, you will be required to take and pass the clinic re-entry exam (CLIN 5600 ). OSCE may affect this. Being “Active” is defined as having completed 10 spinal adjustments, one physical/CMR and one x-ray during the quarter. Please contact Dr. Mark Ferdarko with questions concerning re-entry. If you have any questions as to how OSCE may affect this, please contact Dr. Schwitz

Previous Quarterlies

Fall 2017

Summer 2017

Winter 2018 Quarterly Announcements  

Spring 2018 Quarterly Announcements  

Summer 2018 Quarterly Announcements 

Fall 2018 Quarterly Announcements