Nov 02, 2024  
2019-2020 Student Handbook & University Policies 
2019-2020 Student Handbook & University Policies [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Acting Vs Interim Policy HR.001

LU Policy Number: HR. 001

Effective Date: 8/11/2017       

Approval Date: 8/11/2017

Revised Date: N/A

Purpose: Distinction between position status

Additional Authority: N/A

Scope: All Employees(Faculties and Staff) of Life University

Approval Authority: Provost/EVPAA

Responsible Authority: Human Resources

Definitions: N/A

Policy Title

Acting Versus Interim Status Policy

Policy Statement

“Acting” Status

ACTING status is defined as a position filled on a temporary basis to replace a regular employee on leave.   The expectation is that the regular employee will be returning to his/her regular position in the future. The acting participant will return to his/her original role upon the return of the regular employee.

Acting indicates a ‘stop-gap’ as a momentary substitution due to health reasons or any other short-term reason. All “acting” appointments are temporary, short-term appointments. If it is determined the regular employee will not or cannot return to work, the position will be posted to begin the recruitment and selection process.

Acting appointments must be approved by HR Human Resources.


“Interim” Status

INTERIM status is defined as a position filled on a temporary basis while a search is being conducted, or a department/unit reorganization is taking place.

The regular open position is posted and a temporary replacement (interim) is selected for the role while the search continues for the permanent candidate.  The normal recruitment process applies.  The Talent Acquisition Specialist is the point of contact for assistance and guidance.  The interim acts in full capacity until a candidate is selected for the position. 



Other Notes