Dec 12, 2024
2020-2021 Student Handbook & University Policies [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Firearms and Weapons SS.022
LU Policy Number: SS.022
Effective Date: NR
Approval Date: NR
Revised Date: N/A
Purpose: Clarifies Life University’s position on weapons and firearms possession and carry on Life University grounds and premises.
Additional Authority: N/A
Scope: All employees (Faculty and Staff) and Students of Life University
Approval Authority: Provost/EVPAA
Responsible Authority: Campus Security & Safety, Student Services
Definitions: N/A
Policy Title
Firearms and Weapons Policy
Policy Statement
Firearms and weapons are not permitted on the campus at any time, with the exception of duly authorized state and federal certified law enforcement officers. Any law enforcement officer visiting campus or attending classes must register with the Campus Safety Department prior to proceeding to their desired locations. Offenses involving firearms and weapons will be handled through criminal procedures and/or by the Conduct Review Board of the Executive Director of Student Affairs. For further information, please refer to the Honor Code.
Other Notes
NR=No Records