Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Student Handbook & University Policies 
2022-2023 Student Handbook & University Policies [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Accounts

Student Accounts Office

Life University endeavors to maintain student costs of education at the lowest level without sacrificing quality. In order to provide the lowest student cost, other sources of income, such as contributions from interested alumni and friends, are actively sought. Life University remains a private, non-profit institution and receives no direct support from government funds. 

The following policies apply to all students in all programs of study. The University and its various divisions and departments reserve the right to modify and change requirements, rules and fees. Such regulations shall go into effect without prior notice whenever deemed appropriate by the University.

Tuition and Fees Schedule:

Life University is a private institution and has the same tuition for all students, whether they have in-state or out-of-state residency. All Tuition and Fee Rates are Subject to Change without Notice.

Program            Tuition Per Credit Hour          *Tuition Per Year       **Tuition Per Standard Program Length

Undergraduate         $287.00                                 $13,776.00                                  $53,956.00

Graduate                  $329.00                                   $7,896.00                                  $15,792.00

Chiropractic              $405.00                                 $34,020.00                                $138,510.00

Dietetic Internship                                                  $10,400.00

 *Tuition per year is based on a three-quarter academic year for both Undergraduate and Graduate degree programs. Graduate calculations are based on a program average of 48 credits to complete in two years. Undergraduate calculations are based on most programs taking 188 credits to complete over four years.

**Tuition per standard program length is based on four years needed for completion for Undergraduate degree programs and two years needed for completion for Graduate degree programs. Tuition per standard program length for the Doctor of Chiropractic program is more precise, as it is based on the number of credit hours needed to complete the degree (342) multiplied by the $405 tuition per credit hour rate. Lengths of completion for all of these programs can vary, depending on a student’s course load per quarter/year.

General Fees: All Students

Quarterly Student Fee $497.00
Audit Class (per class or per 30 hrs.) $100.00*
Drop/Add/Late Registration (per item)    $25.00
Dis-Enrollment Fee 25% of Unpaid Tuition for Current Quarter

Additional Residence/Commuter Fees: 

First Time Freshmen Mandatory Meal Plan                 $300.00 (options to change plans)

The cost of the first-time freshmen meal plan will be added to the student’s first four quarters of attendance.

Residence in Commons Mandatory Meal Plan        $1200.00 (option to upgrade or downgrade plan) The cost of the resident meal plan will automatically be added to the student’s account.

Housing Application                                                     $125.00 

All students who apply for university housing will be required to pay an application fee for the cost of processing the application. 

Housing Queue/Deposit                                               $250.00

Students who apply for university housing will be required to pay a housing queue to secure an assignment.  Once an assignment has been paid, the queue will serve as the housing deposit to be used to pay for the cost of any damages upon move-out.  The balance will then be refunded to the student. 

Housing Charge

Residential students will no longer pay a monthly rent.  Starting Fall 2019, students’ quarterly housing cost will be charged to their student account. 

The Commons                                                                     Life Village Retreat

Single -  $2,691.00 per quarter                                             Single - $3,360.00 per quarter

Double - $2,153.00 per quarter                                             Double -$2,405.00 per quarter

Distance/Online Education Fees:


Life University will be using Proctorial in some of its undergraduate and graduate online offerings. Students will be directly responsible for the $20.00 fee for each course that utilizes Proctorial. Students may choose to pay a fee of $10.00 per exam if they elect to do so. Additional information on Proctorial can be found in the individual online course(s).

Late Nite Labs. Life University will be using Late Nite Labs in some of its undergraduate online offerings. Students will be directly responsible for the $49.95 fee. Additional information may be found in the corresponding online course(s)

International Student Assistance

Life University offers tuition assistance to eligible international students. The international student *discount may vary depending on term and student’s geographic region of citizenship. This is provided to international students to assist them with the exchange rates and their ineligibility for U.S. Federal student aid. To receive this assistance, international students must:

  1. Be on a non-resident student VISA (ineligible for U.S. student aid)
  2. Have a zero-student account balance
  3. Be enrolled full time at Life University (unless previously approved by Life University’s *PDSO or *DSO)
  4. Undergraduate: 12 credit hours or more of Undergraduate classes
  5. Graduate: nine credit hours or more of graduate classes
  6. Doctor of Chiropractic: 12 credit hours or more of D.C. classes
  7. Maintain the following minimum cumulative grade point average
  • Undergraduate: 2.0
  • Master’s: 3.0
  • Chiropractic: 2.0

*International discount 20%.
*North American discount percent may vary depending on exchange rate.
*(PDSO) Primary Designated School Official, (DSO) Designated School Official.

Refund Policy for Dropped Courses

Refund of tuition, mandatory meal plans, and refundable fees shall be made according to the following schedule upon the formal, voluntary, approved drop from a course or courses:

  1. 100%, if drop is made on or before the first five days (first two days of second 5-week courses) of the quarter;
  2. 90%, if drop is made between the sixth and 11th day (second - ninth for second 5-week courses) of the quarter;
  3. 50%, if drop is made between the 12th and 18th day (ninth - 16th for second 5-week courses) of the quarter;
  4. 25%, if drop is made between the 19th and 39th day (19th - 25th for first 5-week courses and 17th - 23rd for second 5-week courses) of the quarter; and no refund will be made after the 39th day (25th for 5-week courses or 23rd for second 5-week courses) of the quarter.

No refund of tuition, mandatory meal plans, or fees is made for dropped courses when a student is dismissed, suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons. Students who plan to skip one or more quarters should complete the withdrawal/hiatus form.

If financial aid in any form is received, the refund may be returned to that source of funding in proportion to the amount paid toward tuition.

When a student drops all courses, it is considered a withdrawal and mandatory meal plans will follow the refund schedule based on usage corresponding to the time in the quarter.  If remaining in LVR or Commons, no refund will be given.   

Refund Calculations

 11-week courses       Tuition & Meal Plan Refund          Meal Plan Usage      

Week 1                                                      100%                                     0

Week 2                                                       90%                                    10

Week 3                                                       50%                                    50

Week 4-6                                                    25%                                    75

Week 7- end of quarter                                0%                                   100

Payment Policy

Payment Policy SS.012  

All tuition and fees are due and payable upon registration, but not later than the Sunday-Midnight end of the second week of classes each quarter.

If awarded financial aid falls short of total charges for the quarter, the student is responsible to pay the difference.

The financial aid eligible student may wish to contact the Financial Aid Office to determine the possibility of receiving additional financial aid.

Failure to pay all charges due on a student’s account will restrict their ability to register for future quarters, receive (order/ send) official transcripts and diplomas or be graduated.

If full tuition and fee payments are not made, the student will be disenrolled. This will result in the student not being eligible to continue to participate in classes and/or the clinic in the disenrolled quarter. Also, the student will be assessed a 25% dis-enrollment charge based upon the remaining unpaid tuition incurred in the disenrolled quarter.

Unpaid Balances

Any open balances owed to Life University will prevent transcripts from being released. You will also be blocked from registration. If you leave Life University with unpaid debts, you will be referred for collection activities. You will be liable for all applicable collection agency fees, attorney fees and interest charges for the collection of the balance.

Direct Deposit Policy

Direct Deposit Policy SS.011  

Life University requires all students to set up direct deposit from their checking account. All financial aid living expense monies (financial aid that exceeds coverage of tuition and fees) are processed weekly. These living expense monies will be deposited directly into your bank account within 48 hours of processing.

Students will be responsible for managing all bank account information via, online portal, EagleNet. Our electronic process is as easy as 1- 2- 3. You can now add, delete, or makes changes to your bank account information online!

Returned (Bad) Check Policy

Bad Check Policy SS.021  

Any check returned to Life University due to insufficient funds, payment stopped or a closed account, may result in disciplinary action against the student, including possible disenrollment. The issuance of a check that is returned may constitute deposit account fraud under Georgia law, which is either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. Punishment for a misdemeanor conviction may include a fine ranging from $100 to $1,000 and imprisonment for a period not to exceed twelve months. Punishment for a felony may include a fine of $1,000 and imprisonment for a period of one to five years.

The issuer of a returned check is subject to a service charge of $50.

Under Georgia law, the University also has the right to file a civil suit against the maker of a returned check for two times the amount of the check not to exceed $500. A second offense may subject the offender to disenrollment from the University. 

Fair and Equitable Refund Policy for Withdrawal from all Classes

Withdrawal From Life University Policy SS.014  

The process used to determine the student’s informal/unofficial withdrawal date. If a student fails to notify Life University that he or she has stopped attending classes, then Life University will determine the student’s withdrawal date by routinely monitoring their attendance. This monitoring includes attendance records of instructors, “sitting” for exams, computer-assisted instruction, counseling or academic advisement.

In accordance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1992, Life University’s “fair and equitable refund policy” is as follows:

  • Life University will provide a refund applicable to the federal withdrawal refund calculation, if the student has withdrawn on or before the 60-percent point of the quarter.
  • If a student withdraws after the 60-percent point of the quarter, no refund is applicable. For students enrolled in the full-quarter, 11-week classes, the after-60-percent point of the quarter is the 46th day (Thursday of Week 7).
  • For students enrolled in the 5-week accelerated classes, the after-60-percent point of quarter is the 23rd day (Tuesday of Week 4, first 5 weeks, and Thursday of Week 9, second 5 weeks).
  • For Graduate students enrolled in the Summer Quarter 6-week classes, the after-60-percent point of the quarter is the 25th day (Thursday of Week 4).
  • Life University will provide a copy of the refund calculation to the student upon request at the Student Accounting Office.

Financial Aid Funds Disbursement Policy

Quarterly initial disbursements for Sub & Unsub Loans, Perkins, Pell, SEOG grant and GTG will begin in the first week of classes.

Life University will release living expense direct deposits to students only after verifying students’ attendance status and making sure no financial or academic holds are on their records.

All unpaid tuition/fees and other university debts (such as but not limited to lab fees, institutional charges and student housing) are deducted from students’ financial aid before disbursement.

A student’s living expense funds may be available on the first Monday of the each quarter if the following are true:

  1. As of the Wednesday before the quarter begins, either
  • a DC student, registered, or
  • an undergraduate, registered, or
  • a master’s student, registered, and

    2. The student is making Satisfactory Academic Progress (as defined by the Financial Aid Office), and

    3. Financial aid funds have been disbursed to Life University.

However, if a living expense disbursement is received on the first day of the quarter and then the student drop hours before Monday of the third week, an over-payment will occur. Federal Regulations require that the Office of Financial Aid notify the Office of Student Accounts to send back the amount of over-payment due to the drop in hours. (See Disbursement Policy above.)

Graduate Plus loans and University Scholarships are processed during the second week of the quarter.

Living Expense Refund

Direct Deposits will be made available when all proceeds have been received and all eligibility requirements for Financial Aid programs have been met, and in accordance with Federal Regulations related to Title IV funds, which are:

  • No later than 14 days after the first day of class if Federal funds are credited on or before the first day of class. - Or -
  • No later than 14 days after the credit balance occurred if the funds were credited after classes began.

Emergency Loan Procedure

  1. Students may receive no more than two emergency loans per fiscal year (fall quarter through the following summer quarter).
  2. Students may receive no more than $500 for each emergency loan.
  3. Rent payments (current or past due), utility bills, food and gas do not constitute emergencies.
  4. Possible emergencies include:
    1. Serious illness in family (cost of travel to family’s home)
    2. Death in the family (cost of travel to funeral)
    3. Emergency medical or dental care for student
    4. Emergency repair for student’s automobile necessary for the car to function
    5. Loss of home and/or belongings in fire or other natural disaster
  5. Students must provide clear concise documentation of the occurrence and associated costs surrounding their emergencies.
  6. Students must have a clear method of repayment and the loan must be repaid prior to transmittal of financial aid for the following quarter.

Budget Wisely

Pay ahead on rent and auto insurance and save money for Boards.

Refunds and Return of Financial Aid for Withdrawal from all Classes

For students who have followed the withdrawal procedures outlined in the “Academic Policies and Information” section of this catalog, the date the student notified the University of their intent to withdraw will be the official date of withdrawal.

If a student fails to notify Life University that they have stopped attending classes, then Life University will attempt to determine the student’s withdrawal date by checking attendance records. In the event that the last day of attendance cannot be determined, the mid-point of the quarter will be used.

In accordance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Life University will provide a refund that matches the federal return of Title IV funds if the student has withdrawn on or before the 60-percent point of the quarter.

Students receiving federal Title IV financial assistance will be subject to a “Return of Title IV Funds” calculation. This calculation determines the percentage of the quarter completed, the percentage of federal financial aid earned, and the amount of federal financial aid that must be returned by the University and by the student. Depending upon the types and amounts of financial aid received and the date of withdrawal, the student may be required to repay some of the financial aid previously received.

If the official withdrawal date is after the “60-percent” point of the quarter, no return of Title IV funds will be required. Samples of “Return of Title IV Funds” calculations are available upon request from either the Offices Financial Aid or Student Accounting.

Refund Withdrawal Policy

Refund Withdraw Priority Policy SS.013  

Refunds will be made to the source for any student who receives any form of financial aid and totally withdraws, in descending order, and in proportion to the amount paid toward tuition as described below:

  • DIRECT Unsub
  • DIRECT Sub
  • Perkins Loan
  • PLUS (Graduate student)
  • PLUS (Parent)
  • Pell
  • SEOG
  • Other Federal Aid
  • HOPE Scholarships
  • Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant
  • Other Financial Aid
  • Student 

No refund of tuition or fees is made for withdrawn courses when a student is dismissed, suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons. Students who plan to skip one or more quarters should notify the Registrar in writing.

If financial aid in any form is received, the refund will be returned to that source of funding in proportion to the amount paid toward tuition.

The University and its various divisions and departments reserve the right to modify and change requirements, rules and fees without prior notice.