LU Policy Number: SS.014
Effective Date: 01/01/18
Approval Date: 11/7/2017
Revised Date: 1/28/25
Revision Approval Date: 03/03/2025
Purpose: Update policy to be in line with Federal regulations
Additional Authority: N/A
Scope: All Students (COC&CGUS) of Life University
Approval Authority: President
Responsible Authority: EVP Finance
Definitions: N/A
Policy Title
Withdrawal from Life University
Policy Statement
Regular class attendance is important to the attainment of students’ educational objectives. Attendance at all regularly scheduled classes including labs is expected and will be taken each class period. Federal regulations require students to begin attendance in courses for which they are receiving federal financial aid dollars. Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the funds were awarded. When a student completely withdraws, they may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that they were originally scheduled to receive.
A student’s withdrawal date is always the last date of academic attendance as determined by the school from its attendance records. A student is considered to have withdrawn if the student does not complete all the days in the period of enrollment that the student was scheduled to complete. The date of the institution’s determination that the student withdrew should be no later than 14 days after the student’s last date of attendance as determined by the institution from its attendance records. Students that receive federal student aid may be subject to a Return of Title IV (R2T4) calculation if the student is determined to be an official or unofficial withdrawal for the quarter.
Students Who Receive Title IV Financial Aid:
Anytime a student begins attendance in at least one course but does not begin attendance in all the courses the student was scheduled to attend regardless of whether the student is a withdrawal, the school must determine if it is necessary to recalculate the student’s eligibility for Pell Grant and Campus-Based funds based on a revised enrollment status and cost of education.
If a student ceases attendance (drops or withdraws) from all his or her Title IV eligible courses in a payment period or period of enrollment, the student must be considered a withdrawal for Title IV purposes.
If the school cannot document attendance for a student who fails to complete a course the student must be treated as one who never began attendance for the payment period and all financial aid must be returned.
If a student withdrawn did not begin attendance in enough courses to establish a half-time enrollment status, the school may not make a first disbursement of a Direct Loan to the student after the student withdraws.
Student process to officially withdraw from Life University:
To officially withdraw from Life University:
Students must complete a Withdrawal form.
- The Dean of each college, the Associate Dean or Assistant Dean; the Dean will determine the last date of academic attendance from attendance records and sign the form.
- The student will be contacted by Housing (if applicable), Student Accounts, Financial Aid, and Registrar.
- The student is notified in writing within 30 business days of the withdrawal and any financial obligations to the University.
Students who are unofficially withdrawn:
To comply with federal regulations, a process must be in place to identify students who fail to attend or cease to attend classes without officially withdrawing. Students who cease attending classes and fail to follow the procedure described above will be withdrawn in accordance with the attendance policy of the University and Federal regulations. A student who is withdrawn based upon failure to attend class will be classified as an unofficial withdrawal.
If a student who began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course offered over an entire period, the institution must assume, for Title IV purposes, that the student has unofficially withdrawn.
Such students will be subject to the federal Return of Title IV Funds calculation and, as a result, may have a balance with the University. For students who are determined to have abandoned classes, grades of “F” will be replaced with grades of “W.”
Refunds and Return of Financial Aid:
In accordance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Life University will provide a refund that matches the federal return of Title IV funds, if the student has withdrawn on or before the 60% point of the quarter.
Students receiving federal Title IV financial assistance will be subject to a “Return of Title IV Funds” calculation. This calculation determines the percentage of the quarter completed, the percentage of federal financial aid earned, and the amount of federal financial aid that must be returned by the University and by the student. Depending upon the types and amounts of financial aid received and the date of withdrawal, the student may be required to repay some of the financial aid previously received. If the official withdrawal date is after the “60%” point of the quarter, no return of Title IV funds will be required.
For students enrolled in the full quarter - 11-week classes the after 60% point of quarter is the 46th day (Thursday of the 7th week); For students enrolled in the 5 week accelerated classes the after 60% point of quarter is the 23rd day (Tuesday of the 4th week - 1st 5 weeks & Thursday of the 9th week- 2nd 5 weeks); For any GR students enrolled in the summer quarter - 5 week classes the after 60% point of quarter is the 23rd day (Thursday of the 4th week).
There are situations when a Return of Title IV Funds is not required.
When a student:
- Continues to attend at least one Title IV eligible course
- Did not receive, and is not eligible to receive, any Title IV aid
- Is determined as never attending.
Students no longer attending a course are encouraged to officially drop the individual course(s) or officially withdraw entirely from Life University.
Other Notes