Feb 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies 
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies

Campus Resources

Alumni Relations

Mission Statement:

To support Life University while empowering and enriching the lives of its students, alumni and friends worldwide.

Vision Statement:

To serve Life University and its students, alumni and friends by bridging a mutual connection and level of engagement – To Give, To Do, To Love, To Serve, out of a sense of abundance.

Department of Alumni Relations

The Alumni Relations Department, located at 1415 Barclay Circle (C-HOP building), works closely with students to provide them with opportunities to connect with alumni and friends of the University.

Life University Alumni Association (LUAA)

Alumni are a valuable resource for Life University. The first organizational meeting of the Life University Alumni Association was held on July 22, 1981, during Life University’s 4th Annual Homecoming, and meetings of the Alumni Association Board continue to be held every other month.

The LUAA is an organization of graduates who foster a continuing relationship with Life University. Members of the LUAA play a vital role in the support and advancement of Life University through their service, participation in Life University programs, financial contributions, and by acting as “ambassadors” for the University in their own communities. We invite all graduates to get involved whether on a committee or as members on the LUAA Board. We invite all graduates to get involved whether on a committee or as members of the LUAA Board.

Service to our Students

We’re not just for alumni! The Alumni Association also disperses three scholarships each year –undergraduate, masters, and chiropractic. Please email Alumni@life.edu for more information


You are automatically a member when you graduate. Membership is free to all LIFE graduates. Alumni can attend events such as DC Networking Chiropractic Events, UG Career Fairs, Student-Engagement Dinners, LIFEforce Weekends, Athletic Events, Campus Tours, Life Vision Extravaganza, Athletic Festival, Life University Braves Night and other Alumni Appreciation Events. Please email Alumni@life.edu or visit www.Alumni.life.edu for more information on our exciting events!

Dining Services

The Commons Dining Hall is the flagship dining facility for LIFE University. Located at The Commons residence hall, Commons Dining Hall is a beautiful, state of the art venue featuring an “all you can eat” dining experience with a scenic campus view, digital menu displays and spacious seating. The Grab & Go Grill located at Commons Dining Hall operates, and offers a selection of a la carte menu items.

Socrates Café and Life U Brew are located in the CGUS Building (College of Graduate & Undergraduate Studies) and offers a la carte selections, pizza, and hot bar options. The Café opens up to an inviting outdoor patio area with shaded seating areas near fountains, a fire pit, and soothing streams.

Menus in both Socrates and Commons Dining Hall are made with seasonal, fresh ingredients and sourcing from local and regional organic farmers and vendors (when possible).

For snacks or your favorite Starbucks beverage, visit Life U Brew.

Send questions about any of the dining venues to Cafe@life.edu or visit https://www.life.edu/campus-life-pages/dining-services/ for more info.

 The LIFE U Shop Policy

The Life U Shop is in the Socrates Café in the College for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies building and is operated by Life University. The store has school supplies, clinical diagnostic equipment, snacks, and Life U merchandise for sale. Most Items available in the store can be purchased online at http://www.lifeushop.com.

Hours: The Life U Shop is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (2:00 p.m. on Friday). The store is closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Summer hours and special event hours will be posted throughout the quarter.

Payment: Payment for merchandise can be made with credit/debit card and eBucks.

Textbooks: All chiropractic textbooks are available for purchase at lifeushop.com

Refund Policy

Clothing and unopened logo merchandise are returnable within 14 days of purchase, item must be in original condition, with the tags intact, and accompanied by a valid Life U Store receipt.

School supplies, technology, and course materials can be returned within 7 days of purchase, UNOPENED, and accompanied by a valid Life U Shop receipt.

Clinic supplies are NOT REFUNDABLE.

The store management reserves the right to determine merchandise return ability.

No returns without a paper or digital receipt.

Campus Communication

Bulletin Boards

All bulletin boards in classrooms are for approved items only. Items may not be posted on these bulletin boards without the approval of Student Affairs or the University department hosting the event. Posting or distributing non-approved material on campus is a violation of the policies of Life University and will be referred to the Director of Conflict Resolution & Accountability. All bulletin boards located throughout the campus that have been labeled for a specific use and are to be used for the designated purpose only. Presently, bulletin boards for general student use are in the vending areas of the Center for Graduate and Undergraduate Studies (CGUS) and the Riekeman Center for Chiropractic Education (RCCE). All announcements concerning seminars, local lectures, and private advertising must be reviewed and approved by Student Affairs or the host university department. Only approved notices may be posted as directed. Laboratory bulletin boards are to be used by the laboratory instructors only.

Internal Communications Policy

The Marketing Department is responsible for publishing internal communications to the Life University (Life U) community. To ensure that Internal Communications are both effective and efficient vehicles to share important and/or critical information with the Life U community, the University must be strategic regarding both the content and frequency of this method of communication. Life U takes steps to ensure that you are not overrun with messages from us. Your student and or faculty/staff email address is oftentimes the only way we can convey important messages to you. It is advisable that you check your email frequently and that you read your Life U News & Events newsletters and Daily Life U Wires as they come out.

Daily Life U Wire

Priority information targeted to a specific audience (students, faculty, staff) that is sent immediately or scheduled for an appropriate date determined by the Marketing Department. This type of communication is primarily for urgent and/or high-priority announcements, and the decision about the use of this type of communication is solely at the discretion of the Marketing Department. Submissions must be sent to lifenews@life.edu.

Life U News & Events/FacStaff News & Events

Online “articles” that appear on the living.life.edu website (a one-stop-shop for all news, events, press releases and more for the University) and are highlighted in a weekly email to the two audiences Monday morning (or Tuesday if there is an observed Monday holiday). Any announcement or official Life University event can be communicated through this vehicle. Submissions must be sent to lifenews@life.edu.

Please Note: Life U News & Events is only sent out when students are on campus during regular school weeks.

PowerPoint Slide in Socrates Café

Four screens in the café show rotating slides for announcements and official Life University events. PowerPoint slides must be created by you and submitted to lifenews@life.edu for approval. 

PowerPoint Slide in CCE/CGUS/LRC/Harris Center buildings

The screens in each of these buildings show rotating slides only for a limited number of specific announcements and events. The Marketing Department has sole discretion for which announcements and events can be displayed on these monitors, the parameters of which have been dictated by the Executive Office.

Facebook and Additional Social Media Channels

All announcements and official Life University events are entitled to one Facebook or additional social media channel posting on an official Life University social account. Multiple listings are at the sole discretion of the Marketing Department. Submissions must be sent to lifenews@life.edu.

Life University Calendar

The various departments are responsible for posting the events that they run; however, if you do not have access to calendar submission, those items can be sent to lifenews@life.edu.

When requesting any of these options, please take note of the following guidelines:

Submissions for student events must be accompanied by approval of Student Affairs prior to posting in any medium.

Submissions for Life U News & Events / FacStaff News & Events must be received by 2:00 p.m. on Friday in order to guarantee posting in the following Monday’s edition. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Marketing Department.

Every accommodation will be made to posting a social media announcement on your requested day. However, certain other announcements and the quantity of scheduled posts on a certain day may take priority and necessitate posting on an alternate date. If a potential conflict arises, the Marketing Department will contact you and discuss an alternate date.

Clinic Student Business Cards

Staples is the vendor used to print LIFE University student clinician business cards. Students should visit http://life.edu/business-cards for guidelines and to place orders. 

Your bank statement charge will appear as “Staples.com” upon successful payment processing. You will receive an email from Mail Services once your order is ready for pickup from our office – typically in about 10 business days (2 weeks).  A box of 500 business cards cost =$40 and 1000 cards cost =$60. Mail Services/Purchasing is located down the hallway between Socrates Café and the LIFE U Shop in the CGUS Bldg.  

  • If students have questions about their orders, they may contact the Procurement Office at purchasing@life.edu/x2960

Student Directory Information

Portions of the educational record are defined as directory information. These include:

1. Student names

2. Addresses (e.g., local, home, mailing, and LIFE e-mail)

3. Telephone numbers

4. Dates of birth

5. Degrees, honors, and awards received

6. Academic levels

7. Majors

8. Colleges

9. Dates of attendance

10. Participation in officially recognized activities/sports

11. Weight/height of members of athletic teams

Prior consent of the student is not required for disclosure of directory information. Student’s names and their Life University e-mail address are listed on the Life University website, which is updated periodically. Students who wish to be omitted from the directory or any other student publication must complete the FERPA Opt-Out Form with the Registrar’s Office. This may be accomplished via the Student Affairs Desk.

Student E-mail

Life University, recognizing the increasing need for electronic communication, has established e-mail as an official means of communication with students. An official Life University e-mail address is required for all students. The University has the right to send official communications to the University e-mail address, which is in the format of username@student.life.edu. The University expects that every student will receive e-mails at his/her/they Life University e-mail address and will read e-mails on a frequent and consistent basis. A student’s failure to receive and read University communications in a timely manner does not absolve that student from knowing and complying with the content of such communications. The effective date of this policy is July 11, 2005. If you have questions regarding technology, please review the Student Handbook at web site https://catalog.life.edu/content.php?catoid=14&navoid=1076

Mail & Shipping Services

Postage for domestic and international letters/packages can be purchased from Mail & Shipping Services located in the Procurement Office within the College of Graduate & Undergraduate Studies (CGUS) building.  Outgoing mail/packages with postage or labels, can be dropped off at the office or placed in the grey dropbox on the dock.

The return addresses for students are:


Your Full Name (NO NICKNAMES or initials) 

1250 LIFE’s Way, Bldg. 1000 

Commons Apt # 

Marietta, GA 30060 


Life Village Retreat  

Your Full Name (NO NICKNAMES or initials) 

1250 LIFE’s Way, Bldg. 1000 

LVR Apt # 

Marietta, GA 30060

Received packages will be placed into our secure locker system and an automated email sent upon receipt. Students should not use the official Life University address (1269 Barclay Circle) as their return address unless it is for official school business (i.e. transcripts, medical records, etc). Personal mail arriving for students, will be entered into our tracking system and an email notification sent to your @student.life.edu email address with pickup instructions. 

Please refer to the Mail and Shipping Basics 101 pamphlet received at Orientation for more shipping details, if you have other questions regarding mail or package shipments, email mailroom1@life.edu or MailServices@LIFE.edu or call 678-439-MAIL (6245). 

Office of Development, University Advancement Division

The purpose of the Life University Advancement Team is to engage and empower the communities we serve in building a legacy of philanthropy and service by:

  • Making a positive difference in the lives of alumni and friends, students, faculty, and staff.
  • Building multi-level partnerships to deliver significant and meaningful resources and opportunities.
  • Raising capital to grow the University and Impact humanity.

You are the foundation of our past, vibrancy of our present, and the strength of our future.

All fundraising on behalf of the University, including funding requests for individual departments and student clubs and organizations must go through the Office of Development, University Advancement Division before being approved. Also, Life University employees and students are prohibited from soliciting alumni for personal projects.

Please contact the Advancement Division with any questions at advancement@life.edu.

Healthcare & Health Related Services

Campus Center for Health and Optimum Performance (CC-HOP)

The Campus Center for Health and Optimum Performance (CC-HOP) houses our 7th, 8th, and 9th quarter Clinic Labs.

Center for Health and Optimum Performance (C-HOP)

All Life University Family may receive complimentary chiropractic care, including x-ray and physiotherapy services in the Center for Health and Optimum Performance (CHOP). This includes all faculty, staff, students, students’ spouse, dependent children and parents.

For more information, call the C-HOP: 770-792-6100.

C-HOP Hours:

Monday: 8:00am – 7:00pm

Tuesday: 8:00am – 7:00pm

Wednesday: 8:00am – 12:30pm; 3:30pm – 7:00pm

Thursday: 8:00am – 7:00pm

Friday: 8:00am – 7:00pm

Medical Facilities

A list of medical facilities in the Marietta/Atlanta area is available on the Life University web site. Click on the link for information regarding health care and optional medical and dental insurance available to our students. https://catalog.life.edu/content.php?catoid=24&navoid=2775.

Student Accident/Injury Procedures (Non-Athletic Injury)

Campus Safety:

  • All on campus accidents/injuries must be reported to Campus Safety immediately.
  • If it is not possible to meet with Campus Safety immediately, the accident or injury must be reported no later than 24 hours after the event to complete an Accident/Incident Report.
  • Campus Safety can be reached by calling (770) 426-2911.   

Human Resources:

  • The student must report to Human Resources (HR) immediately after completing the Accident/Incident Report with Campus Safety.
  • If not possible to meet with Human Resource after meeting with Safety, the student must report to HR no later than 48 hours after the accident/injury. 
  • HR will complete a claim form and submit the form to the university’s insurance carrier. 
  • If the student has a primary and/or a secondary insurance carrier, HR will require a copy of the student’s insurance card(s) to forward to the insurance carrier along with the claim form.
  • HR can be reached by calling (770) 426-2930.

Refusal of Care:

  • If medical attention is deemed necessary, the student refuses medical attention, then the student must complete the Declination of Treatment Form.

Student Responsibility:

  • Student(s) with primary insurance should seek medical care or treatment from their primary care physician or healthcare provider of choice. 
  • The student must provide their health insurance information and the Life University Accident insurance information to their healthcare provider of choice when seeking treatment. 
  • The student must provide HR with a copy of all status reports for filing purposes until discharged. 
  • Student(s) without insurance may seek care/treatment from a healthcare professional or provider of their choice. 
  • If you do not have insurance, the provider will not be able to submit the charges on your behalf. Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to provide HR with provider information and copies of charges.
  • HR can assist with faxing documents to the assigned student injury insurance carrier.   


The Accident/Injury Policy has a $10,000 limit with a $250 deductible.  Medical coverage or payment is NOT guaranteed.

A student accident policy is considered a secondary policy.  All bills should be submitted to the primary insurance policy first for payment.  Any remaining balances should be submitted to our student injury carrier for processing.


If the accident/injury resulted from a Life University-sponsored sporting event/practice, the Athletic Department will follow their internal process and file a claim with the sports accident/incident insurance companies (see the Head Athletic Officer, Athletic Department, for more information).

Center for Veteran Services and Engagement

Located in the Learning Resource Center, the center offers a wide range of resources designed to address the specific challenges faced by veterans and military-affiliated students transitioning to civilian and academic life. These include resources for academic advising, career counseling, mental health services, and assistance with navigating veterans’ benefits such as the GI Bill. We also provide opportunities for peer engagement, fostering a sense of community and belonging among our veteran and military-affiliated students.

Drs. Sid E. & Nell K. Williams Library

The Drs. Sid E. and Nell K. Williams Library is in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) building. All students are encouraged to visit the library to learn how our resources and services can meet your needs. Please visit the library website (life.edu/library) to get more information and to use online resources.

General Procedures

A Life University student ID (physical or digital) is required to check out library materials, pay for printing, and use library services. Users may be asked to show ID upon entry or while using library services.

Library Collections

The library supports the University’s mission by providing access to print and digital resources that promote academic and personal development and support the curricula of academic programs.

The library maintains the following collections:

  • print and electronic books
  • print and electronic journals
  • audio-visual equipment (laptops, chargers, calculators, etc.)
  • anatomical models
  • course reserves
  • a special collection of historical chiropractic materials

Specific guidelines concerning how to access these items (in-person or virtually) and detailed information about loan periods, renewals, and fine/replacement costs can be found on the library website.

Library Services

In addition to the resources discussed above, the library provides an environment where students and faculty can conduct research and engage in group and private study. To accomplish this, the library provides the following:

  • study rooms (individual and group)
  • printing, copying, document scanning
  • research assistance
  • online research guides
  • interlibrary loan
  • computer lab.

Online Library Guides

The library offers online research guides that provide 24/7 support for students and faculty. These guides can be accessed on the library website.

  • Access is granted with Blackboard login credentials.
  • Visitors and alumni’s computer use/access information is available at the circulation desk.

Library Communications

Students receive library communications regarding due dates, overdue items, etc., via Life University email accounts.