Feb 01, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies 
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies

Drug Free Schools, Community and Workplace Policy UL.003

LU Policy Number: UL.003

Effective Date: NR    

Approval Date: NR

Revised Date: N/A

Purpose:  Pertains to alcohol and drugs presence, use and consumption on Life University grounds and premises

Additional Authority: N/A

Scope: All Employees(Faculties and Staf) and Students of Life University

Approval Authority: Board Of Trustees

Responsible Authority: Student Services, Human Resources

Definitions: N/A

Policy Title

Drug Free Schools, Community and Workplace Policy

Policy Statement

Pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986, and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the University has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the use of illicit drugs and alcohol. The policy will be reviewed and amended as necessary. Employees will be apprised of changes.

The University is committed to the health and well-being of its staff and other people who receive University services. The University has a vested interest in the welfare of its employees, who administer and operate the University’s programs of education, research and service, but also serves as well as interest in serving and promoting the advancement of the general health of our society.

Substance and alcohol abuse are dangerous to your health. The use of alcohol, non-prescription drugs and abuse of prescription drugs in the workplace may affect an employee’s ability to perform satisfactorily, the performance and well-being of other employees and students and the University ‘s ultimate function and reputation. For these reasons and others, the University requires the participation of all employees and students in maintaining a drug-free school and work environment.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance (prescription or nonprescription) and alcohol are prohibited, including all University properties, functions, business and vehicles.

Alcoholic beverages will be permitted at University events only with the permission of the President or his designee and notification of Campus Safety. Advertising of the event will not include specific references to the fact that alcoholic beverages will be provided. Student events require identification confirming the individual is of legal drinking age.

At any event where alcohol is served, non-alcoholic beverages must be continuously available in equal or greater quantity and food must be available as well. The serving of alcoholic beverages must stop at least 45 minutes before the scheduled end of the activity and alternative transportation should be provided for any individual in attendance that has overindulged in alcohol.

Any employee or student worker who is convicted of a criminal violation involving illegal drugs or alcohol in the workplace is required to notify the Department of Human Resources within five days of the conviction.

Life University is committed to providing a safe work environment and to fostering the wellbeing and health of its employees. That commitment is jeopardized when any University employee illegally uses drugs on or off the job, comes to work under their influence, possesses, distributes or sells drugs in the workplace, or abuses alcohol on the job. Therefore, the University has established the following policy:


Employees and student workers who are suspected of violating this policy on alcohol and drugs may be suspended without pay immediately pending an investigation. If the investigation results in a determination that a violation of this policy on alcohol and drugs has occurred, the violator shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and referral to legal authorities for prosecution.

The University also offers resource information on various other means of employee assistance in our community, including but not limited to drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs. Employees are encouraged to use this resource file, which is located in the Human Resources office.

Alcohol Policy: Legal Requirements:

  • The legal alcohol drinking age in Georgia is 21 effective September 30, 1986. The purchase, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited to those under the drinking age. It is also unlawful to serve alcoholic beverages to those under the drinking age.
  • No person under the legal drinking age shall misrepresent his or her age or identity in any manner whatsoever; including, but not limited to, using any false identification; for the purpose of purchasing or obtaining any alcoholic beverage.
  • Alcohol may not be sold on the Life University campus. It is unlawful for any person to consume alcoholic beverages or transport open containers of alcoholic beverages on or upon public areas.
  • No alcoholic beverage shall be provided to any person who is in a state of noticeable intoxication.
  • Service of alcoholic beverages shall at all times comply with applicable laws of the State of Georgia and requirements of the county and/or city where the function occurs.

Alcohol Policy: Life University Requirements

The following rules and regulations must be observed on the Life University Campus and in situations in which a unit or sub-unit of Life University or a recognized student organization holds a function off-campus where alcohol is to be served.

1.Location—Alcoholic beverages are prohibited except in the following locations to those of legal drinking age with the appropriate restrictions as follows:

A.On-Campus Facilities:

i.The Village Retreat and The Commons—Alcohol may only be served and consumed inside private residences by residents and their guests of legal age.

ii.All other Life University buildings and grounds—Alcohol may only be served and consumed by permission of the President or his designee. Specific permission for such consumption must be given in writing by an administrator at the level of vice president or higher. This policy applies to all campus individuals as well as organized activities including Life University intramural sports events and Life University athletic events.

B.Off Campus Facilities

i.If alcohol is to be served at an off-campus function of an organization, the President or his/her designee must be notified in writing in advance of such event that alcohol will be served at such event.

ii.Sponsoring groups’ programming efforts should reflect the fundamental principle that alcohol will be served as an amenity to the event, and should not be used as an enticement to participate in a campus event. Specific reference to alcohol in promotional materials and invitations for Life University events is prohibited. Promotions may include a statement requesting that students bring proper I.D.

iii.Any open event* at which alcohol will be served must be registered two weeks prior to the event.

iv.*Open events typically are those to which persons other than sponsoring group members and their dates are invited and for which public advertisements/announcements (on campus or off) are made as a general invitation. Though public announcements from private/closed parties may be issued, they should indicate “members only.”

The following additional guidelines apply to open events only:

a.The name of a person in the sponsoring group responsible for servers will be required on the approval form for open events.

b.Life University Campus Safety personnel will be required for open campus events where alcohol is to be served. The sponsoring group(s) will be responsible for security-related costs. The number of Life University Campus Safety personnel will be determined through consultation with the office of the Vice President of Student Services.

2.The use of any funds of Life University, including but not limited to Student Services monies, or any attempt to obligate such funds, for the use, consumption, possession, distribution or sale of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited, except when special permission is granted in writing by the       President or his/her designee.

3.Alcohol may not be sold *on campus. Alcohol may be sold at Life University events in off-campus facilities, but only if the proprietor/ seller holds the required licenses for the sale and servicing of alcohol.

   *The sale or the appearance of the selling of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by law on any college or university campus in the state of Georgia.

4.At functions where alcoholic beverages are served, direct access shall be limited to a person(s) designated as the server(s). Servers will be responsible for checking identification and proof of age before serving.

5.Proper identification will be required as proof of age (Life University ID not acceptable) for service of alcohol.

6.Proper identification or any document issued by a governmental agency containing the person’s photograph and date of birth and includes a driver’s license or passport. Two forms of ID may be necessary in some cases to establish proof of age and/or affiliation with Life University. Non-    University guests who wish to attend an event where alcoholic beverages are being served must be accompanied by a Life University representative (student, faculty or staff member) with a current Life University identification card.

7.Persons who attend an approved event at which alcoholic beverages are being served may not carry in their own alcoholic beverage.

8.Distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted only within the approved area designated for the event.

9.Adequate proportions of food and non-alcoholic beverages to alcoholic beverages will be considered as criteria for event approval. A reasonable portion of the budget should be designated for the purchase of food items.

The amount of alcohol served at any event shall be proportionate to the expected attendance of the event. Nonalcoholic beverages must be featured as prominently as alcoholic beverages.

10.No social event shall include any form of “drinking contest” in its activities or promotion and alcohol may not be given as an award or prize. Any activity that contributes to alcohol overindulgence or abuse is strictly prohibited.

11.The group sponsoring the event must ensure compliance with any host facility regulation.

12.The serving of alcoholic beverages shall be limited to the hours scheduled for the event.  If a function lasts two hours or more, the serving of alcoholic beverages must stop at least 45 minutes before the scheduled end of the activity.

13.Organizations that have authorized alcohol at their function need to provide alternative transportation to any individual in attendance that has overindulged in alcohol or appears to be under the influence of alcohol.

14.Appropriate measures for cleanup of a campus facility will be required of the group sponsoring the event.

In addition to the above guidelines, student clubs and organizations must comply with the policies and procedures set forth in the Life University Clubs and Organizations Handbook.

Alleged violations of this policy by an individual student or by a student organization shall be referred to the Director of Student Conduct.

Commercial Funding Sources

  • Any off-campus group wishing to give away alcoholic beverages on campus may do so only if the sponsoring Life University group has met all policy requirements and permission is granted by the appropriate Life University official.
  • Life University groups shall not engage in co-sponsorship with outside agents for any event(s) including multiple alcoholic drink offers (e.g. two for one, three for one).
  • Life University ‘s name shall not be used in conjunction with any commercial co-sponsoring related to alcohol. Revised, 2010

Standards of Conduct with Regard to Alcohol and Drugs

The University may develop additional guidelines or explanations of this policy in order to assist students with understanding and complying with the policy.

Furthermore, all provisions of the Life University Standards of Conduct that refer to alcoholic beverages are in full force and effect and are not affected by any of the provisions of this policy. (Life University Honor Code / Standards of Conduct Section D. Responsibility 1. Alcohol Misuse and 2 Drug Misuse)


  1. Adherence to these policies on alcohol and drugs shall be the individual and personal responsibility of each member of the student body, staff, faculty or administration of Life University.
  2. Direct responsibility and accountability for the enforcement of these policies are imposed upon students, members of the staff, faculty or administrators of Life University who, in the course of their duties, participate in the arrangement or sponsorship organization of institutionally-sponsored events, whether taking place on property owned or leased by Life University.
  3. Direct responsibility and accountability are imposed upon faculty advisors to student organizations approved by Life University, together with all elected or appointed officers thereof, to ensure strict compliance with these policies.
  4. All approved student organizations must implement a self-monitoring system to ensure compliance with this policy. The officers of each organization will certify, in writing, to the office of the Vice President of Student Services, that the organization is aware of and will comply with the provisions of this policy.
  5. Faculty/staff advisors will be present to monitor student group/functions where alcohol is being used.
  6. Advisors or advisory boards of all student organizations:

Must be familiar with the alcohol and drug policy and the sanctions for noncompliance.

Are required to report to the Vice President of Student Services any cases of alcohol abuse, drug abuse or illegal service of alcoholic beverages.

  1. Every member of the Life University community is encouraged to refer a student, staff member, administrator or faculty member with drug or alcohol problems to the Student Success Center of Life University, to the Vice President of Student Services, to the Director of Student Conduct or to the Student Behavioral Assessment Team (SBAT).



Other Notes

NR=No Records