Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies 
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies

Graduate Academic Standing Policy AS.037

LU Policy Number: AS.037

Effective Date: 10/1/2018

Approval Date: 11/7/2017

Revision Approval Date: 8/26/18

Revised Date: 8/16/18, 08/24/2023

Purpose:  Modification of academic restriction designations to allow for the early intervention for students who begin struggling academically.

Additional Authority: N/A

Scope: Graduate students, faculty, and staff of the College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies, University Advisement

Approval Authority: President

Responsible Authority: Academics

Definitions: N/A


Policy Title

Graduate Academic Standing Policy

Policy Statement

Good Standing Requirements:

In order to maintain Good Standing students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above and a 67% completion rate.

Academic Warning (AW):

Students who receive a grade of “C” will be placed on Academic Warning.

Academic Probation (AP):

Students will be placed on Academic Probation if they have a cumulative GPA below 3.0 OR if they have less than a 67% Completion Rate.

Academic Dismissal (AD):

A student will be dismissed from the academic program if the cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 OR if the student fails (F, NP) two or more courses regardless of GPA.

If admitted provisionally, must have at least a GPA of 3.0 at the completion of the first 12 graduate credits of enrollment


Academic Warning: Students who are placed on academic warning must meet with their assigned advisor.

Academic Probation: Students who are placed on academic probation will follow the below requirements:

  • Must meet with their assigned academic advisor
  • Will be placed on an Academic Performance Contract (APC)

Other Notes

Approved by Academic Affairs on 11/7/17. Revision Approved by Academic Affairs 8/16/18, 08/24/2023