Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies 
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies

Acquisition and Installation of Software Policy AS.061

LU Policy Number: AS.061

Effective Date: 10/1/2022

ApprovalDate: 01/15/2023

Revised Date: N/A

Purpose: This policy describes the requirements, timeframe, and process for requesting acquisition and installation of software at Life University.

Additional Authority: Finance and Operations

Scope: Areas reporting to Academic Affairs

Approval Authority: President

Responsible Authority: IT,Academic Affairs

Recipients: Campus Community

Publications: University Website

Definitions: N/A

Policy Title

Acquisition and Installation of Software Policy

Policy Statement

All software utilized and installed on the Life University network and/or Life University equipment must be on the Approved Software List.

Employees may verify if the software is on the Approved Software List here.

Employees needing software that is not on the Approved Software List, must request software additions utilizing the Request for New Software Approval Form. Where are the list and forms located? Suggest including that information.



Requesting Installation of Software

  • All software at Life University must be on the Approved Software list.
  • Verify if software is on the Approved Software list.
  • To request software additions to the approved list, use the Request for New Software Approval Form.
  • To request the purchase of approved software, use the Software Purchase Request Form.
  • To request installation of approved software, use the Software Installation Request Form.

Approved Software List

  • Please review the Approved Software List.
    • If the software is not on the list, complete to the Request for New Software Approval section.

    • If the software is on the list, please note the licensing type.

      • If the licensing is a site license or freeware, you can immediately proceed to the Request to Install section.

      • If the licensing is any other type, proceed to the Request to Purchase section.


Request to Add Software

  • Complete the Request for New Software Approval Form.
  • Information Technology will:
    • review your request
    • determine if there is existing approved software that is comparable
      • if comparable software exists, IT will contact you to discuss options
      • verify licensing requirements, and
      • test the software to ensure compatibility with our existing systems
    • If necessary, IT will contact you to purchase a single copy for testing purposes
    • Depending on the nature of the software, and the intended destination, the testing procedure may include a test computer being made available. This allows isolated performance testing, by the usage experts, before the software is deployed.
  • If your requested software is approved, it will be added to the Approved Software list, and you will be notified via email.

Request to Purchase Software

  • Complete the Software Purchase Request Form
  • Information Technology will:
    • Review existing licensing
      • If current licensing is available to accommodate your request, you will be notified that a purchase is not necessary and you will be asked to complete the Software Installation Request Form.
      • If current licensing is not available to accommodate your request, IT will proceed with the purchase.


Request to Install Software From Approved Software List

  • Complete the Software Installation Request Form.
  • Information Technology will:
    • Verify that the requested software is on the approved software list
    • Verify that the licensing exists to accommodate your request
    • Verify that the software installation media is available
    • Schedule the installation
    • Install and test

Other Notes

Approved by Academic Council 9/8/2022