Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies 
2024-2025 Student Handbook & University Policies

Remote/Hybrid Policy HR.021

LU Policy Number: HR.021

Effective Date: 11/12/2023

Approval Date: 11/12/2023

Revised Date: 9/15/2023

Scope:This Remote / Hybrid Policy applies to all teleworking activities of Life University. All managers, supervisors, and remote/hybrid workers should be familiar with the contents of this policy.

Remote (also known as teleworking) is the practice of working at home or another secondary work site location one or more days per pay period instead of working at the primary place of work (i.e., the office). Typically, teleworking is permitted only where it is a clearly viable work option that benefits the organization. Tasks that are highly informational in nature are more suited to telework, including:

  • Reading and research.
  • Writing, thinking, and analysis.
  • Data entry.
  • Computer-oriented work, such as programming.

Some positions require face-to-face interaction and are not suited for a remote work arrangement. These include positions that necessitate employees to use certain equipment that can’t be replicated at home, that access documents available only in the workplace, that interact daily with others for collaboration or to provide administrative and/or operational support to an individual person, department, or program area due to the nature of their associated tasks. The following job positions are not eligible for the remote/hybrid program:

Faculty (unless outlined within Academic Program)

Operations such as Grounds, Physical Plant, or other functions that require the employee to be on-site

Clerical positions or other similar positions that are required for a department to meet the need of customers on site.

The remote/hybrid option is not an employee benefit – it is a management option that provides an alternative means to fulfill work requirements. Participating in a telework program is voluntary and subject to approval/evaluation. As such, the opportunity to engage in telework must be approved by both the employee and the employee’s supervisor. The University reserves the right to terminate a telework arrangement at any time for any reason. The employee’s compensation, benefits, work status, and work responsibilities will not change because of their participation in the telework program. The Life University handbooks apply to the remote/hybrid agreement.


Full-time employees who have completed their 90-day probation period (unless otherwise notified) may be eligible for the telework program. Employees in a training capacity will not normally be approved to participate in the remote/hybrid program. The decision to allow an employee to telework will be made by the employee’s supervisor on a case-by-case basis. Other factors that will be considered in the decision include:

Overall job performance as documented in performance reviews

Degree of self-motivation, organizational, prioritization, and time-management skills

Ability to work independently in an unsupervised environment

Disciplinary record from the past 90 days

Remote/Telework Evaluation Process

A remote/telework designation is indicated on the Job Description and/or Telecommute/Remote Agreement. Questions relating to the process by which telework decisions are made should be directed to the Office of Human Resources. To apply for the telework program, current employees must make a request of the supervisor who should first assess the position and/or department and the ability to function in a remote environment. Once the supervisor has assessed and provided approval to move forward, the supervisor will need to send HR a copy of the signed remote/telework agreement. The supervisor is responsible for reviewing the agreement annually in alignment with employee performance evaluations. The remote/hybrid agreement is also subject to the approval of University executives.

Terms of Remote/Telework Agreement

The following terms outline the expectation and responsibility aligned with remote/telework designation:

  • General Expectations
  • Hours/Availability
  • Attendance/Training
  • Virtual Meetings
  • Accessibility/Technology
  • Workspace
  • Virtual Meetings
  • Evaluation/Productivity

General Expectations

  • Remote employees are expected to be available and communicative during scheduled work hours.
  • Life University work rules as outlined in the Employee Handbook, Honor Code, and other policies continue to apply to employees who work remotely.
  • It is important for all employees to project a professional image. Employees are expected to be neat, clean, orderly, and dress appropriately for the department, type of work assigned, or in uniform if required for the position.
  • Employees must seek a quiet and distraction-free working space.
  •  Employees are expected to maintain their workspace in a safe manner, free from safety hazards.

Virtual Meetings

  • While distractions are often unavoidable, they must be kept to a minimum. No music or television in the background during meetings.
  • Employees should keep themselves muted during video or audio conferencing unless the employee is speaking.
  • Turning on video is expected while attending virtual meetings.
  • Avoid eating a meal during a virtual meeting unless invited to do so by the meeting host.
  • Avoid multi-tasking. Give your full attention to the meeting as if you were face to face.


  • The standard University workday consists of an eight (8) hour timeframe from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. If different from the University standard, a regular remote/hybrid schedule must be established and approved by the employee’s supervisor prior to the start of the teleworking work arrangement.
  • The number of hours the employee is expected to work per day, or per pay period, will not change because the employee is participating in the remote/hybrid program.
  • Non-exempt remote/hybrid employees are required to work during the standard University workday, in addition to hours outside of the core hours required to meet the expected number of work hours for the day or pay period. Non-exempt remote/hybrid employees are required to submit worked time in ADP according to University policy.
  • Teleworking employees must be available by email and by phone during scheduled hours.
  • Employees are required to use Outlook and check for messages throughout the workday or other times as requested or necessary. Other forms of communication may be used, such as Microsoft Teams, but not as a substitution to Outlook.
  • Employees may be requested or required to attend meetings on campus or conduct other business on campus. These trips will be considered part of the employee’s responsibility and not eligible for mileage reimbursement.
  • The University reserves the right to require a remote/hybrid employee to return to the primary work location on a regularly scheduled remote/hybrid day if warranted by the employer and requested. If this situation becomes frequent, then the supervisor may re-evaluate the
  • appropriateness of the teleworking for that individual’s job responsibilities.
  • If a remote/hybrid employee is unable to work, the employee must record personal or vacation time, if available, for hours not worked in accordance with University policy.


  • A clean, professional, and safe designated workspace should be maintained at the remote location by the remote/hybrid employee.
  • The remote workspace must provide an adequate working area, lighting, power, and temperature control. Any additional requirements will be stipulated in the remote/hybrid agreement although the University reserves the right to add to or subtract from these requirements at any time.


  • Supervisors are expected to identify and outline the required remote/hybrid Life University equipment, software, and services necessary for remote job functions. This includes but is not limited to computers, telephone access, VPN access, and Microsoft Suite software package. Supervisors are also required to identify any necessary orientation or training.
  • Restricted access materials shall not be accessed unless approved by the supervisor.
  • University-owned/supplied equipment is to be used for Life University business only. When the remote/hybrid agreement is terminated, the employee must return all University-owned/supplied equipment and software, and request cancellation of all services paid for by the University, within 10 business days.
  • The Computer Use Policy applies to remote/hybrid work arrangements.


  • The Remote/Hybrid agreement may be reviewed in conjunction with annual performance evaluations or as necessary.
  • Metrics, as determined by departments, will be utilized to measure productivity and performance. These include:
    • Overall job performance as documented in performance reviews.
    • Degree of self-motivation.
    • Degree of organizational, prioritization, and time-management skills.
    • Ability to work independently in an unsupervised environment.
    • Attendance and Punctuality
    • Disciplinary Record
  • The Remote/Hybrid agreement is voluntary and may be terminated by the University at any time. Management should partner with Human Resources to ensure consistency.