Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fall 2023 Quarterly Announcements

Fall 2023 Academic Quarterly Announcements














 Important Dates to Remember: Academic Calendar     

Payment Due Information to all Students

For Fall 2023, payment is due by Sunday October 15th , 2023, (including housing and meal plans). Dis-enrollment by the Registrar’s office will be effective Monday, October 16th , 2023. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Student Accounts at or 770-426-2700.


Acceptable Forms of Payment

  1. Confirmed financial aid (loans, grants, and scholarships)
  2. Via EagleNet Account online (excludes Apple and Samsung Pay):
  3. Credit Card
  4. Debit Card
  5. ACH using checking or savings accounts
  6. Third-Party Payments (529 plans, external scholarships, VA payments made directly to the university)
  7. PayMyTuition™ – International Student Payments Only


Authorized Users

Students can give others (parents, guardians, etc.) the ability to access their account information using their own login credentials by setting up an authorized user account. Authorized users may view your account information and make payments on your behalf. Please note, authorized users DO NOT have access to your stored payment methods, academic records, or other personal information.

Steps to Create an Authorized User Account:

  1. Go to EagleNet
  2. Click on Student Accounts
  3. Click on Make a Payment
  4. Select Authorized User and follow the prompts


Fall 2023 Payment Plan

Enrollment starts on 08/26/2023 and ends on 10/06/23. Installment payments are due October 7th, November 7th, & December 7th. You must enroll prior by Friday of week 1 to take advantage of the payment plan ($25 Setup Fee).


Simple Steps to Enroll:

  1. Go to EagleNet
  2. Click on Student Accounts
  3. Click on LU Payment Plan
  4. Click Enroll in Payment Plan

Neither Your Diploma nor your Transcript will be released until all financial obligations to the University have been met. 


Fall Quarter Financial Aid Disbursement Procedures

Direct Deposit. Life University requires direct deposit for all living expense disbursements. To have your monies deposited directly into your U.S. bank account, visit EagleNet to enroll.

Disbursement Policy. The quarter initial disbursements for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Direct Parent PLUS Loans, Pell Grant, GTEG, and SEOG will begin week 0.

Life University will release living expense refunds to students only after verifying student’s registration status and making sure no financial or academic holds are on their records. Students must be enrolled in courses counting towards their degree to be reviewed for aid eligibility. Federal aid cannot be awarded for courses that do not count toward the degree. 

All unpaid tuition/fees/housing/meal plans and other University debts (such as but not limited to lab fees or institutional charges) are deducted from students’ financial aid before disbursement. 

The disbursement for Graduate PLUS Loans, HOPE Scholarship and most tuition-based scholarships will occur during the 2nd week of the quarter, provided funds are available. Only students who have submitted all the necessary requirements will have their disbursement available during this time frame.

Please remember that to qualify for Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant GTEG you must be enrolled UG full-time (12 hours or more). In addition, to qualify for a full-time HOPE or Zell award you must be enrolled UG full-time (12 hours or more) or to receive part-time award you must be enrolled in UG 6-11 hours. Also note that not all courses count for HOPE/Zell eligibility, so if you are registered in learning support courses, you may not receive state aid.

Educational/Living Expense Refund. Direct Deposits will be made when all proceeds have been received and all eligibility requirements for Financial Aid programs have been met, and in accordance with Federal Regulations related to Title IV funds which are: 

  • No later than 14 days after the first day of class if Federal funds are credited on or before the first day of class. OR
  • No later than 14 days after the credit balance occurred if the funds were credited after classes began.

You may receive your living expense refund by first day of the quarter:

  • If you are making Satisfactory Academic Progress (as defined by the Financial Aid office), and
  • Your aid proceeds have been disbursed to Life University. 

However, if you receive an educational/living expense refundand drop hours week 0 or week 1, you may be over-awarded on your financial aid eligibility. Federal Regulations require that the Financial Aid Department notify the Office of Student Accounts to send back the amount of your aid, if any, you are not eligible to receive, due to the drop-in hours. (See Disbursement Policy above).

Your refund may be delayed if you submit your Financial Aid forms late or they are incomplete.


Drop & Meal Plan Refund Calculations for Fall 2023

Life University’s College of Chiropractic & College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies

11 Week Courses

Tuition Refund

Week 1 on or before Oct 6th


Week 2 Oct 7th  to Oct 13th


Week 3 Oct 14th  to Oct 20th


Weeks 4-6 Oct 21st  to Nov 10th


Week 7-end of quarter Nov 11th  - end of quarter  


Does not include any fees or fines associated or incurred.



Meal Plan Refund


Week 1 on or before Oct 6th



Week 2 Oct 7th  to Oct 13th



Week 3- 5 Oct 14th  to Nov 4th  



Week 6 Nov 5th to Nov 10th



Week 7-end of quarter Nov 11th  - end of quarter  




First 5-week Courses




Refund %

On or before


 Oct 6th  


Oct 7th


 Oct 13th


Oct 14th


 Oct 20th


Oct 21st


 Oct 27th


Oct 28th  


   Nov 3rd



Second 5-week Courses




Refund %

On or before


 Nov 14th


Nov 15th


 Nov 21st


Nov 22nd


 Nov 28th


Nov 29th


 Dec 5th


Dec 6th


Dec 12th   


However, even if your Financial Aid has been received prior to dropping classes, it will have to be re-evaluated to determine eligibility and amount.


Graduation Information

Please click on the following links for graduation information:



To register for classes, visit EagleNet


Please visit the Registrar’s web page for more information on the following:

  • Official Document Holds
  • Transcripts and Transcript Releases
  • Guidelines for Registration
  • Enrollment Verification
  • Veteran Affairs
  • Registrar Forms

Priority Preregistration for GR and UG begins Saturday, August 26, 2023, and ends Monday, August 28, 2023, at 7 AM.

Priority Preregistration for DC begins Saturday, September 2, 2023, and ends Monday, September 4, 2023, at 7 AM.

GR and UG: Assigned preregistration begins Monday, August 28, 2023.

DC students: Assigned preregistration starts Monday, September 4 , 2023.

To view your DC, Graduate, or Undergraduate Preregistration time, please login to EagleNet. Preregistration for all programs ends on Friday, October 6, 2023, at 5:00 PM.

Registration for new students, as well as current and returning students will open on Monday, September 11, 2023, at 8 AM and will remain open until Friday, October 6, 2023, 2023, at 5:00 PM.


Important to Note:

· Preregistration times are determined by the number of completed credit hours and are not need-based

· If you were assigned a priority preregistration time and miss that window, you will have another opportunity to register during the normal preregistration period. Once priority preregistration has closed, you can view your additional preregistration time in EagleNet.

· Once your preregistration time opens, it will remain open until Friday, October 6, 2023 at 5:00 PM.

Current Undergraduate students may register for the 24/WI term during the 23/FA registration period.

If you do not plan to register for Fall 2023, please complete the Withdrawal/Hiatus Form  as soon as possible.


College of Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Announcements

CGUS Fall 2023 Final Exam Schedule 


CGUS Final Exam Sched FA23  


Undergraduate Fall 2023 Accelerated Classes

1st 5 weeks

SHS 102 - Personal Health and Fitness

Tues., Thurs. 1PM-2:50PM


SHS 142-First Aid & CPR

Mon., Wed., Fri.  9AM-10:50AM


2nd 5 weeks

ENV 103 – Intro to Oceanography

Mon., Wed., Fri.,  11AM-112:50PM

ENG 121 – Public Speaking

 Tues., Wed., Thurs., 7AM-8:50AM


NTR 101-Human Nutrition

Mon., Wed., 1-2:5-PM

POL 110 - Current Word Topics 

Tues., Thurs., 3:00PM-4:50PM

SHS 102 - Personal Health and Fitness 

Tues., Thurs. 1PM-2:50PM

SHS 142-First Aid & CPR

Mon., Wed., Fri.  9AM-10:50AM



























Prerequisites may apply to some courses.


College of Chiropractic Announcements


Summer 2023 Final Exam Schedule

All lecture finals will be administered in person on campus or remotely through Blackboard using Proctorio.

Final exam testing will occur during the time specified on the final exam schedule unless final exam is accessible for 12 or 24 hours/open access. 

You are responsible for checking the individual course announcements section of Blackboard for more information. If you have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to the faculty member. 

COC Final Exan Sched SU23  


Fall 2023 Final Exam Schedule

All lecture finals will be administered in person on campus or remotely through Blackboard using Proctorio.

Final exam testing will occur during the time specified on the final exam schedule unless final exam is accessible for 12 or 24 hours/open access. 

You are responsible for checking the individual course announcements section of Blackboard for more information. If you have additional questions or concerns, please reach out to the faculty member. 

COC Final Exams Fall 2023  


OSCE Information

OSCE is moving from a 12th to an 11th quarter class effective Fall 2023. It will remain a requirement for graduation and participation in PEAK. Fall 2023 Quarter will consist of the 11th and 12th Quarter OSCE. 


NBCE Information

Life University Requirements/Rules for Certification of National Board Eligibility:  NBCE Eligibility     

NBCE Eligibility Courses 


Upcoming NBCE Application Deadlines & Administration Dates

NBCE Parts I, II, III and Physiotherapy

Part IV

For further information regarding NBCE testing please visit


Clinic Announcements

Clinic Announcements will be posted on the respective CLIN Blackboard that Student Interns are registered. 

Previous Academic Quarterlies