Feb 17, 2025  
Faculty Handbook (rev. 2021) 
Faculty Handbook (rev. 2021)

Appendix 3: Graduate Faculty Policies and Procedures

Rules and Regulations

The Graduate Faculty directs work and research toward graduate degrees. Membership demonstrates high attainment and professional standing. The Graduate Faculty is composed of those members of the faculty who meet requirements based on training, experience on graduate committees, teaching of graduate courses, and research documented by scholarly publication or other proof of creativity, professional excellence, activity, and dedication.

1. Levels of Appointment

a. Senior Graduate Faculty

b. Associate Graduate Faculty

c. Other: Ex-officio Graduate Faculty

2. Qualifications/Criteria

a. Senior Graduate Faculty Members:

i. Minimum Qualifications:

1. A faculty member awarded Senior Graduate faculty status must hold a full-time faculty position with the academic rank of Associate Professor or higher. A Senior Graduate faculty member must hold a terminal degree within or related to the faculty member’s area of assigned responsibility.

2. Subject to special considerations, an individual who has not earned the highest degree awarded in the discipline but has demonstrated exceptional competence in their field of specialization as recognized by their professional peers, may be appointed to the Graduate Faculty.

ii. Scholarship:

1. A Senior Graduate Faculty member will conduct research and scholarly activity leading to refereed or other professional competitive publications or to comparable artistic, clinical, literary, or technical achievements appropriate to specific fields.

iii. Teaching:

1. The Dean of the college in which any graduate program sits will make a determination of what graduate courses an individual is qualified to teach.

iv. Advising:

1. A Senior Graduate Faculty member will have experience with graduate student advising including a demonstrated potential to direct master’s candidates successfully and experience in planning and directing programs of graduate students and their theses. 

b. Associate Graduate Faculty:

i. Minimum Qualifications:

1. A faculty member awarded Associate Graduate faculty status must hold a full-time faculty position with the academic rank of Assistant Professor. An Associate Graduate Faculty member must hold a terminal degree within or related to the faculty member’s area of assigned responsibility.

ii. Scholarship:

1. Associate Graduate Faculty status requires the applicant to have made a sound beginning in independent research or creative activity and to demonstrate growth in independent research or creative activity during their time as Associate Graduate Faculty members.

iii. Teaching:

1. The Dean of the college in which any graduate program sits will make a determination of what graduate courses an individual is qualified to teach.

iv. Advising:

1. Associate Graduate Faculty members will learn how to become effective advisers to graduate students and develop expertise in developing graduate programs and research projects for graduate students. They will demonstrate continued growth in advising of graduate students during their time as Associate Graduate Faculty members.

c. Ex-officio Graduate Faculty Members i. The CAO of the University may appoint ex-officio graduate faculty members.

d. Duties, Responsibilities, Privileges of Graduate Faculty Members beyond the Responsibilities of All Faculty Members

i. Senior Graduate Faculty Members

1. Teaching:

a. Teach graduate-level courses in any field of specialization for which they have formal advanced study or demonstrated competence through independent scholarly activity as determined by the Dean of the college from which the program originates.

b. Develop graduate level courses and curricula

2. Advisement:

a. Advise and direct special projects and/or thesis student programs as the major professor.

3. Research:

a. Direct and chair master’s thesis committees

b. Serve as a member or reader on master’s thesis committees

c. Serve as a representative on master’s thesis oral examinations

4. Other Service to Graduate Program:

a. Participate in the governance of graduate education at all levels within the university

b. Vote on matters submitted to the graduate faculty for vote

c. Elect representatives to graduate committees

d. Participate in the formulation of graduate curricula and policy.

ii. Associate Graduate Faculty Members

1. Teaching:

a. Teach graduate-level courses in any field of specialization for which they have formal advanced study or demonstrated competence through independent scholarly activity as determined by the Dean of the college from which the program originates

b. Develop graduate level courses and curricula.

2. Advisement:

a. Serve on thesis committees

3. Research:

a. Direct and co-chair master’s thesis committees

b. Serve as a member or reader on a master’s thesis committees

c. Serve as a representative on master’s thesis oral examinations

4. Other Service to Graduate Program: (see Senior Graduate Faculty Members)

3. Length of Term

a. Senior Graduate Faculty: 5 years, renewable

b. Associate Graduate Faculty: ongoing as long as the faculty member is engaged in graduate education

4. Initial Application

a. A faculty member desiring status as a Graduate faculty will submit the documents indicated below to the Dean of the College from which the program in which they wish to be considered originates. The Dean will appoint an ad hoc committee of faculty members who hold Graduate Faculty status to review the application materials and forward a consensus recommendation to the Dean. The Dean will submit his/her recommendation to the CAO for final approval.

b. Materials to be submitted

i. Application letter (not to exceed three pages) covering

1. Philosophy, goals, accomplishments in graduate teaching, supervision and mentoring 

2. Scholarship

3. Service

ii. Annual Reviews

iii. Curriculum Vita Including

1. Theses, Special Problems and Readings

2. Professional development activities

3. Record of publications, presentations, and/or other scholarly activities.

iv. Additional supporting materials such as publications, presentations, and other creative works themselves (not to exceed ten pages).