Jan 13, 2025  
Faculty Handbook (rev. 2021) 
Faculty Handbook (rev. 2021)

Administrative Document 4: Faculty Benefits

The University provides a comprehensive benefits package for its full-time employees. An outline of these benefits particular to full time faculty members is presented below. The University reserves the right to terminate, suspend, amend, withdraw, or modify coverage for any group of employees and their dependents or a class of dependents, at any time. However, advance notice will be provided in the event of any change.

For more information on other benefits that are available to all employees, please review the Employee Handbook (http://www.life.edu/faculty-resources-employee-handbook), or contact the Human Resources Department.

General Leave of Absence (with compensation)

Half Quarter Leave of Absence (with compensation) (Accelerated Courses only)

Full time Faculty may apply for a half-quarter leave of absence with pay if circumstances arise and if this leave will not be prejudicial to the interests of the University. In considering a request for this leave of absence, all approving officials shall take into account the effect that the granting of that leave could have on the University, division, or department of which the applicant is a member. If the applicant’s work cannot be handled by other faculty members or if funds are not available for employment of a substitute, the request for a leave of absence may be refused or deferred until a more suitable time. The faculty member would complete their normal teaching load and other University duties within the five-week period.

The faculty member must submit his/her application for a half-quarter leave of absence with pay, one quarter prior to the start of the quarter in which the leave will take effect. Applications will be submitted for approval through the chain of command to the Chief Academic Officer for final approval.

The faculty member will receive their full pay during that quarter unless they work less than a full load or are unable to perform their other duties in which case compensation will be adjusted appropriately.

All benefits will stay in effect with no changes in full time faculty status. Changes in vacation or necessary days will be made as appropriate.

One Quarter Leave of Absence (with compensation)

Full time Faculty may apply for a full-quarter leave of absence with pay if circumstances arise and if this leave will not be prejudicial to the interests of the University. In considering a request for this leave of absence, all approving officials shall take into account the effect that the granting of that leave could have on the University, division, or department of which the applicant is a member. If the applicant’s work cannot be handled by other faculty members or if funds are not available for employment of a substitute, the request for a leave of absence may be refused or deferred until a more suitable time.

The faculty member must submit his/her application for a full-quarter leave of absence with pay two quarters prior to the start of the quarter in which the leave will take effect. Applications will be submitted for approval through the chain of command to the Chief Academic Officer for final approval.

Full time faculty members must be working full time the quarter before they take a quarter off.
Full time faculty will complete their normal schedule the quarter before they take the next
quarter off. The faculty will receive half their biweekly pay for that quarter (twelve weeks) and the next quarter that they will be taking off.

All benefits will stay in affect with no changes for full time faculty. The vacation days will be prorated and reduced by seven days for taking a full quarter off. Necessary days will be prorated and reduced by 2.5 days.

Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leave is a program whereby eligible faculty may apply for an enrichment leave from the University for undertaking research, writing, study, advanced degree work, or other creative endeavors, which would not be possible during the course of his or her full-time University responsibilities.

A faculty member on sabbatical leave shall be considered as being on active duty, retaining all benefits, and shall accrue toward seniority.

In order to apply for sabbatical leave, the faculty member must be a full-time, academically ranked employee. The faculty member must have served the institution in a full-time, academically ranked position for a minimum of six (6) years.

The faculty member must submit their detailed application for sabbatical leave two quarters prior to the proposed date of the sabbatical. Applications will be submitted to the appropriate dean who will forward the application, along with any recommendations, to the President through the Chief Academic Officer.

Factors influencing consideration of sabbatical leave applications are as follows:

• seniority of the applicant and the proposed course of study
• previous performance record of the applicant
• availability of substitute faculty member and funding for such.

Upon return, re-assignment to specific positions, courses, and/or schedules will be made based upon the needs of the institution.

Approval of Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leave may be approved by the President upon recommendation of the Chief Academic Officer. The decision of the President is final.


Duration of Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leave may be requested either for six months at full pay or twelve months at half pay.

The grant amount depends upon the purpose of the leave and the amount of outside financial support the faculty member can obtain. During sabbatical leave, faculty members may serve in a full-time appointment elsewhere. If a faculty member is engaged in activities resulting in compensation, the salary from the University shall be reduced proportionately, with the exception of tuition grants from any sources, which pay direct educational costs.

A faculty member may not apply for future sabbatical leave until he or she has completed an additional five-year period of satisfactory service.

A faculty member on sabbatical leave is required to return for at least one year’s service following the leave. Within thirty days following the end of the sabbatical leave, the faculty member shall present to the Chief Academic Officer a full report of activities and accomplishments during the leave.

Any faculty member who has been granted sabbatical leave with compensation is required, before beginning their leave, to sign an agreement that they will repay the full amount of compensation they received while on leave if they should not return to the institution for at least one year of service after the termination of the leave.

Release Time

Under exceptional circumstances, the University may agree to a temporary reduction in a faculty member’s teaching load to enable the faculty member to undertake significant research, major course revision, curricular revision, administrative duties, chairing certain committees or institutional self-studies.

It is assumed that all faculty members recognize the responsibility to constantly update their instructional materials without requiring release time to do so. However, the nature of restructuring may be such that release time is warranted.
A detailed request for release time should be made in writing to the Chief Academic Officer through the appropriate Dean. It should include a statement of purpose as well as information on how class responsibilities will be met. Requests must be made at least one quarter prior to the beginning date of release time.

Office Space and IT Services

Faculty members will be provided appropriate office space and associated IT services as needed to perform their work. Office facilities will be allocated through the immediate supervisor.

Tuition Benefits

Individuals employed as full-time faculty have tuition benefits afforded to them and their dependents. Information regarding the policy and an application form is located on the Life University website at the Human Resources Page.


Vacation accrual for Clinic (DCP), Clinical (CGUS), and Library faculty members is effective immediately upon hire. Didactic faculty members do not accrue vacation time. Clinic & Library faculty members accrue 8.62 hours per pay period for 224 hours, or 28 days, of vacation per year. Vacation leave for Clinic & Library faculty members must be used in half day increments. Vacation days must be approved as far in advance as possible and will not be advanced.

All employees are required to enter vacation and personal leave electronically weekly. Hours not entered electronically will result in inaccurate balances.

Misuse of Leave

Taking time off that has not been properly authorized is inappropriate behavior which could be considered job abandonment and may result in pay reduction, ineligibility for pay adjustment for the coming year, and disciplinary action.

In the event that an employee decides not to take a requested absence after it has been approved, the employee must notify his or her supervisor in writing that the day was not used or the day will be charged. The department supervisor is responsible for ensuring the change is made electronically.

Educational Leave

The University supports the educational development of employees to expand their personal and professional growth. An educational leave of absence may be granted, with the approval of the employee’s supervisor. The University will consider reasonable release time for attendance at such educational events as conventions, conferences, seminars, training, and workshops, provided it does not interfere with the employee’s duties and assignments. However, it is the responsibility of the employee, after consultation with their supervisor, to ensure that duties and assignments be covered during their absence.

Funds to defray reasonable travel and seminar costs may be provided by the institution. Travel funds will be disbursed according to the limits stated within the Life University Travel Policy. Costs for individual professional or association memberships must be borne by the faculty member.

Whenever the University requires, encourages or allows an employee to attend a seminar, conference, or program, attendance will not be counted against personal or vacation leave. An appropriate conference/seminar documentation must be approved by the appropriate supervisor.