Feb 17, 2025  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Safety Department


Welcome to Life University Campus Safety Department

The Campus Safety Department is charged with responding to all types of emergency and non-emergency events, as well as enforcing University parking regulations. The campus is patrolled 24/7/365, and we work with local emergency response agencies such as Marietta Police Department, Cobb County Sheriff and Marietta Fire Department.

We enjoy a beautiful and secure campus. Still, we remain highly vigilant in patrolling the campus and educating students and staff about the importance of crime prevention and personal protection. Perhaps most importantly, we nurture a culture of integrity and self-responsibility throughout the academic experience and in extracurricular activities through the Eight Core Proficiencies and the Honor Code. We promote high standards of behavior and expect students to live up to these standards. Be smart and be safe!

Life University complies with federal and state laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, citizenship or veteran status. This may require the Department to notify the Office of Student Services and local police departments of violations of law that also violate University policy or codes of conduct and vice versa.

Contact Information

Location: Campus Safety is located in Mod 2 behind the Learning Resources Center (LRC).


  • From a Life University land line phone: Ext. 2911
  • From a cell phone: (770) 426-2911

We encourage everyone in the community to add the full number into their cell phone contacts.

Access to Campus Facilities

The Campus Safety Department monitors all access to campus facilities. The campus is regularly patrolled, and facilities are locked and unlocked at appropriate times. All users of the University facilities are encouraged to express safety concerns they have while on campus by contacting the Campus Safety Department. Remember to have your University ID on you at all times, especially if you need assistance to get into a secured building or space.

General Information


A general visitor is defined as a person who is neither a student, faculty or staff member nor practice partner at Life University. Visitors who plan to visit the Life University campus can obtain a parking permit from the department that they are visiting, or by stopping by the Campus Safety office located in Mod 2 behind the Learning Resources Center (LRC). The following information will need to be provided by the visitor:

  1. Proof of identification (driver’s license, ID card).
  2. Vehicle information: make, model, color and license plate.

Departments may obtain a parking pass in advance for their guest by a written, email or facsimile request to the Campus Safety Department at least 24 hours in advance.

Outside Photographers and Media Personnel

An outside photographer is defined as a person who is neither a student, faculty or staff member and is not working for the University’s Marketing Department.

Media Personnel is defined as any person who is affiliated with any newspaper, magazine, radio station or any other channel of communication in which messages are transferred or transmitted to a large, wide-scattered audience.

Outside Photographers and Media Personnel who plan to visit the Life University campus must obtain a visitor parking pass prior to conducting activity on the campus. The parking pass can be obtained by means outlined in the previous section. Visitor parking is available in spaces marked as such.

The following information will need to be provided by Outside Photographers and Media Personnel:

  1. Proof of identification (driver’s license, ID card).
  2. Vehicle information: make, model, color and license plate.

Outside Photographers must also sign a Waiver of Liability/Hold Harmless agreement, as well as a $100 per day fee for photographers and videographers to use our campus facilities. The Waiver of Liability/Hold Harmless agreement must be signed in-person in the Campus Safety Department located in Mod 2 behind the Learning Resources Center (LRC).

Crime Prevention

Monitoring Of Campus Criminal Activities

Life University operates LVR and The Commons apartments, which are a part of our campus. It is the policy of Life University Campus Safety Department to maintain regular patrol of the complexes for the purpose of crime prevention. It is our goal to encourage the highest level of integrity from our students on and off campus. We as an institution provide the guidance and information necessary to our students to make this possible. This is accomplished through available counseling on campus, community assistance and a published list of resources available to our students and staff by which they can receive necessary assistance and guidance. These resources are available from the Campus Safety Department and from our on-campus counseling staff.

Crime Prevention

The Life University Campus Safety Department takes the position that it is best to inform students and employees of unsafe practices. This may include thefts of property, alcohol or drug abuse, rape, other sexual offenses, stalking and domestic violence. Each student or employee can exercise due caution while Life University provides assistance and helps everyone prepare themselves to avoid becoming a victim of any crime.

Campus Safety Watch Program

Keeping Life University safe takes a community effort. The Campus Safety Watch Program supports this effort by uniting our University Campus Safety Department, local law enforcement and safety agencies, and the LIFE community in an active partnership to prevent and reduce crime on the Life University campus. The Campus Safety Department also highlights topics of concern as warranted.

Emergency Action Plan

Life University is committed to protecting the health and safety of all students, staff, faculty and visitors at all times.

In conjunction with this commitment is the inherent responsibility for preventing or minimizing any danger to life and/or property resulting from the effects of an emergency. When an emergency occurs, an immediate organized response by University personnel is activated. The Life University Emergency Action Plan (EAP) established the framework within which the University will provide this response. The purpose of this EAP is to define procedures for responding to specific types of emergencies on the LIFE campus.

In the event of a rapidly unfolding campus emergency, Life University has adopted an Emergency Action Plan (EAP), which is available on the Campus Safety page on the LIFE.edu website. The EAP uses a multi-pronged approach to alert all students, faculty and staff of the situation and to advise them on what to do. Notification is supported by Alertus (TM) beacons inside all buildings, SMS text messaging and website posting. Additional information may be communicated via mass email and voicemail, depending on the type of situation. In order to receive emergency notification by SMS text messaging, which is highly recommended, you must register to receive it. To register for this emergency notification, go the Campus Safety web page and follow the link on the EAP section.

Animals on Campus

All leash laws in Cobb County are enforced on our campus. Pets are not allowed on the campus or in the buildings with the exception for service animals. Pets may be taken on the five miles of running trails for the purpose of sight assistance and personal security, but the animals must be on a leash, and the owner must clean up after the pets. Pets are not allowed on the rugby field, or track and field facility for any reason, except for service animals.

Lost and Found

Contact the Campus Safety Department for lost and found items. All items found on campus should be turned into the Campus Safety department immediately. If you cannot drop it off yourself, call Campus Safety so they can pick up. All items are logged in and held for 60 days before they are purged.

Driving and Parking Information

Life University Vehicle Registration Process

All vehicles on Life University property are required to be registered and display a parking decal or temporary permit in accordance with listed guidelines. The decals or permits can be obtained at the Campus Safety Department office located at Mod 2, Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., excluding holidays and other school closing days. A valid Driver’s License, LIFE ID and Vehicle Registration are required to obtain a parking decal.

Life University provides parking for vehicles that display a valid parking decal, which must be affixed as prescribed. A valid parking decal should be affixed on the lower left side of the rear window on the outside of the vehicle or on the stationary portion of the fork on motorcycles. Convertibles or cars with louvers may place the decal on the outside on the front windshield in a place not to block your vision while driving. Valid temporary decals must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle with identification information being clearly visible to the outside.  Note: Decals must be affixed by Friday of the first week of class for new students.

Decals are issued at the Campus Safety Department. In some cases, a special designation/marking (e.g. car pools, student council officers, student ambassadors, and medical waivers) may be issued to authorized persons. Only one special designation/marking will be issued for each authorized person. The type of designation will be determined by the Campus Safety Department.

The following information is required:

  • Valid Driver’s License

  • Valid Vehicle Registration

  • Life University ID

Parking & Decals

Students, during restricted parking, must park only in areas designated for student parking as indicated below and must have active decals. Parking is restricted Monday through Friday, except holidays and school breaks, 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. All other times are open parking except for spaces specificially reserved or blocked off. Failure to comply will result in fines. Parking Lots are designated as follows:

  • Faculty and Staff must have a Staff/Faculty Running Eagle decal or hanger and must park in White Lots or the overflow parking lot.
  • LIFE Village Retreat residents must have a Red decal and must park in their assigned reserved space in the parking deck only during restricted hours.
  • Commons Residents must have an Orange decal and must park in the reserved spaces in the Commons parking lot only.
  • Students not residing in the Village Retreat or Commons must have a Green Decal and must park in the designated lots with yellow parking lines, overflow lots, or non-reserved Red or Orange parking lots.
  • Patients, Faculty/Staff parking at the C-HOP parking lot must park in the designated spaces within the lot. Students may only park in the 14 spaces with yellow lines.
  • The Overflow Parking Lot is located across the street from the Human Resources Department (1075 Barclay Circle). This lot is open to students, faculty/staff and visitors.
  • Red carpool hanger must be displayed and two or more people must exit the vehicle at the time it is parked. Carpool passes are obtained at Campus Safety. Both people signing up for the carpool hanger must be present at the time the hanger is issued.
  • Blue decals are designated for restricted parking, which is at K-Lot or off site depending on the circumstances.

Passes for Vehicles

All drivers must stop at the Campus Safety Department to obtain a temporary pass for driving an unregistered car on campus.

Accessible Parking

Life University honors valid disability placards and plates from all states. It is our policy to ticket and impound vehicles occupying handicap-parking spaces without displaying the proper placard or plate; the fine is $100.00. Life University adheres to the requirements for disability parking set forth in the Georgia Code Section 40-6-222. The student must also obtain the proper color decal, which must be affixed to the vehicle in accordance with guidelines. The valid state issued decal/placard and/or plate must be registered with the Public Safety Department. Note: The decal/placard and/or plate are issued to the person and not the vehicle; therefore, the person using the decal/placard and/or plate must be the same person to whom the decal/placard or plate was issued.

Other Parking Passes

All drivers of vehicles wishing to park on campus must have a pass issued by a department that they are visiting, or they must come to the Campus Safety Department located in Mod 2 to obtain a temporary pass for any of the following reasons:

  • Driving an unregistered car on campus (Does not have a current University decal).
  • Spouse, girl/boyfriend, acquaintance or patient drives a student owned car on campus, (Failure to obtain a pass may subject the car to being towed). Student Spouse passes are available for the current quarter and maybe used in student parking only.

Visitors: The permit should be displayed on the front dash of the vehicle at all times while on Life University property.

Injury Passes: Documentation and an Injury Pass Application is needed in order to obtain an Injury Pass from Campus Safety. The pass allows a person to park in the closest available non-reserve space available in any lot. This pass does not allow anyone to use Handicap Parking. Handicap Parking is by State issue permit only.

Loading and Unloading Zones

Any unattended vehicles in a loading/unloading zone will be subject to being towed unless: 

  • the flashers are on, or
  • the vehicle is not there for more than 10 minutes, or
  • the vehicle is attended by a person who can legally drive, has the keys and can move the vehicle in an emergency situation.

Driving on Campus

The speed limit on campus is 10 mph and will be strictly enforced. It is a violation of the student rules to commit the following acts while driving on campus: Failure to stop at a stop sign, failure to yield at yield signs, failing to yield to pedestrian, speeding over 10 mph, weaving in and out of driving lanes and driving against the established flow of traffic and committing reckless conduct with a vehicle.

Fines for moving violations are $35, $50 and $100. Multiple violations may lead to a suspension of driving privileges on campus and could lead to expulsion from Life University. All students and employees driving on campus are required to have a valid driver’s license and valid proof of insurance coverage in their possession.

Parking Fines (Tickets)

Tickets can be written for violations, which include but are not limited to:

  1. Violation of a restricted parking area.
  2. Parking in fire lanes or driveways, or blocking roads or dumpsters.
  3. Taking more than one space or overextending lanes.
  4. Parking on grass or in flowerbeds and other violations deemed inappropriate.
  5. Not displaying a parking decal or pass on the vehicle.
  6. Parking in Carpool without a pass, or less than 2 people getting out of the car at the time it parked.
  7. Expired Parking Decal.
  8. Parking in a Reserved Space.

Parking Violations and Fines

Illegal Parking $35 first violation, $50 second violation, $100 third violation and beyond
Parking in Handicap $35 first violation, $50 second violation, $100 third violation and beyond
Parking in Unmarked or Unauthorized Area $35 first violation, $50 second violation, $100 third violation and beyond

Moving Violations and Fines

The fine for any moving violation is $35, $50, $100.

Additional Moving Violations and Fines

Exceeding Speed Limit on other than Barclay Circle $35 first violation, $50 second violation, $100 third violation and beyond
Barclay Circle State Imposed Fine
Disregarding Traffic Control Sign $35 first violation, $50 second violation, $100 third violation and beyond
Reckless Driving State Imposed Fine
Disregarding Officer Working Traffic $70
Moving Barricades $70

Towing of Vehicles

Vehicles may be towed for any of the following reasons:

  1. Having three or more parking violations.
  2. Blocking roads, docks, dumpsters or driveways.
  3. Parking in clinic or visitor spaces, or in handicap spaces.
  4. Parking on grass or in landscaped areas (flowers, etc.).
  5. Abandoned Vehicles: Campus Safety will monitor such vehicles and tow vehicles once deemed abandoned.
  6. When it has been determined that a vehicle or property poses a safety hazard, and the immediate removal of the vehicle is necessary for public safety purposes.

Once the wrecker service is called, the owner/driver of the vehicle is responsible for any and all charges related to the towing. Neither Life University nor the Campus Safety Department are responsible for damage to, or loss of, property as the result of towing. An incident report is completed on all vehicle tows to document the tow, condition and location of the vehicle.

Students needing to leave a vehicle in a parking lot for a specified time frame must obtain an identification pass for the dash that briefly describes the conditions under which the vehicle is left for the time frame. Passes are available from the Campus Safety Department.

Procedures for Institutional Sanctions

The rules and procedures for all offenses and disciplinary proceedings are defined in the Student Handbook. It is important to note that both the victim and the accused are afforded certain rights and that the list of references for counseling or any other assistance is available to both.


Payment of University issued citations will be processed through Student Accounting for Students. Unpaid University tickets will result in an Accounting Hold, which will preclude a student from registering, receiving transcripts or graduating until settled with Student Accounting. Employee citations will be paid at the Finance Department or deducted from their payroll if not paid by the next pay cycle.

Once a student and/or employee’s vehicle has received two tickets, the vehicle is eligible to be towed at the owner/driver’s expense. Repeat violations may result in the driver and/or owner losing their driving and parking privileges on the Life University campus and property.

Vehicles are subject to be towed at owner’s expense at any time an officer deems it necessary to maintain the safety or the efficient and effective traffic flow of Life University persons or property. Once the towing service is called, the owner/driver of the vehicle is responsible for any and all charges related to the towing. Life University or officers of Life University’s Campus Safety Department are not responsible for damages or loss of property as a result of towing. An incident report is completed on all vehicle tows to document the reasons for tow, condition and location of vehicle.

Students – Payment of Life University issued tickets will be processed through Student Accounting. Unpaid tickets will result in an Accounting Hold, which will preclude the student from registering for classes, receiving transcripts or graduating, until settled with Student Accounting. Once a student’s vehicle has received a warning and ticket, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s/driver’s expense. In the event a student has unpaid tickets for other violations, and the vehicle is towed, the owner/driver will have to come to the Campus Safety Department after paying the tickets at Student Accounting to obtain a release for the vehicle. Repeat violations may cause the owner/driver to lose his/her driving and parking privileges on the Life University campus.

Employees – Payment of Life University issued tickets will be processed through the Accounting office. Unpaid tickets will result in garnishment of wages via post-tax automatic deduction from bi-weekly paycheck. Once an employee has received a warning and ticket, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s/driver’s expense. Repeat violations may cause the employee to lose his/her driving privileges on the Life University campus and can affect employment.

Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention Policy

The Life University drug program policy is to first advise the students and employees of our position on illegal drugs. We are a drug-free institution. We hold students and employees accountable for violations of our rules and the state law. We view addiction as an illness and offer meaningful help to those so affected in the form of counseling and referral.


The legal drinking age in Georgia is 21. It is unlawful to purchase or drink alcoholic beverages on this campus under the legal age. It is unlawful to misrepresent your age or to provide identification to someone else under the drinking age. Life University Campus Safety enforces all laws pertaining to the serving of alcohol in any manner that induces a person to drink by contest or challenge.

The Life University Campus Safety Department strongly supports state DUI laws, as defined in Georgia Code 40-6-391 and will partner with local law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of the LIFE community and adjacent residents and businesses. The Life University Student Handbook defines the rules applied to alcohol service on campus with regard to license holders and locations. All rules and regulations pertaining to alcohol are enforced by the Life University Campus Safety Department and or the Office of Student Conduct.

The Life University Student Handbook defines the rules applied to alcohol service on campus with regard to license holders and locations. All rules, regulations and laws pertaining to alcohol are observed by the Campus Safety Department.

Firearms and Weapons Policy

Firearms and Weapons

Firearms and weapons are not permitted on the campus at any time, with the exception of duly authorized state and federal certified law enforcement officers. Any law enforcement officer visiting campus or attending classes must register with the Campus Safety Department prior to proceeding to their desired locations. Offenses involving firearms and weapons will be handled through criminal procedures and/or by the Conduct Review Board of the Executive Director of Student Services. For further information, please refer to the Honor Code.

Solicitation Policy

Solicitation on Campus

Faculty, staff, students and visitors to Life University should refrain from soliciting on campus. Solicitation for humanitarian causes or with special merit may be conducted with the appropriate approval from the President’s Office or Vice President of Student Services. Outside agents are not permitted to solicit on campus. “Solicitation” is interpreted to refer to any door-to-door residential solicitation of employees or students at their places of work, in study areas, Library or other areas on campus, including the placing of flyers on vehicle windshields, posting flyers on or in any buildings, or the use of donation receptacles. Any student or group must have its solicitation approved by either the President’s Office or the Vice President of Student Services.

Any unauthorized solicitors should be reported immediately to Campus Safety.

Tobacco Policy

Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus

Life University is committed to taking all practical measures to create a safe and healthy environment. To further this goal, the University has updated this policy to promote the wellbeing and health awareness of students, employees and visitors by reducing the risk of tobacco-related illness. This update is effective April 1, 2015.

All students, staff, faculty and visitors are prohibited from smoking, using, selling, free distributing and advertising tobacco products and electronic smoking devices (ex. e-cigarettes) in all facilities and on all University property, including University-owned vehicles and in any privately-owned vehicle parked or operated on University property.

Student Right-to-Know Act and Annual Police Report Crime Statistics

Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act

In 1990, the U.S. Congress enacted the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act (Title II of Public Law 101-542), which amended the higher education Act of 1965 (HEA). This Act requires all post secondary institutions participating in the Title IV student financial aid programs to disclose campus crime statistics and other security information. 1998 Amendments renamed the law: The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Police and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

In compliance with this act, annual statistics of criminal activity occurring on campus are available on the Life University website, here. The contents of the Students Right To Know information can be found in the Student Handbook.

We publish and make available the yearly Campus Security Report, which summarizes incidents on campus. The contents of the “Student Right to Know” information pamphlet are available to all students and employees, as well as prospective students from the Campus Safety Department; it is also posted on the University website.

The report lists each type incident and frequency. For incidents of concern that occur between the yearly printings of the report, we post interim information in the student publications on campus and post information flyers throughout the campus that inform the students of the incident. Crime prevention is also accomplished by greeting each new group of students during their orientation each quarter. At this time, the students are told of the importance of reporting all incidents that they are involved in. At this meeting, any current areas of concern are explained to them, and information is given to them on prevention. The Campus Safety Department also highlights any topic of concern on a quarterly basis. All appropriate offenses are referred out to the local municipal police department for assistance, when needed. In all cases, the University administration is notified of the accused offenses. The procedures for institutional sanctions are defined in the Student Handbook.

Crime Statistics as Reported to Life University Campus Safety Department

Crime statistics are available on the University’s website. The Daily Crime log is also available for viewing Monday–Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m., excluding holidays and other school closings.

Procedure for Voluntary, Confidential Reporting of Criminal Actions and Other Emergencies on Campus — (Student Right-to-Know)

The Campus Safety Department monitors activities on campus 24 hours a day. Students and employees with concerns over criminal actions on campus can contact the Campus Safety Department at 770.426.2911. Reports can be made with any department representative. We openly solicit the observations and concerns of our students, staff and all visitors when suspicious or criminal activity is observed on campus. The Campus Safety Department believes that with greater awareness, we can help each person be better prepared to protect themselves and others from crime. The Department also works closely with other local law enforcement agencies to obtain and monitor criminal reports made to them. Life University complies with federal and state law and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, citizenship or veteran status. This may require the Department to notify the Office of Student Services of violations of law that also violate University policy or codes of conduct and vice versa.

Reports maybe made with Campus Safety confidentially for the purpose of awareness and tracking if the victim/witness does not want to persue any criminalor conduct charges against the alledged individual. Reports may also be made to any CSA (Campus Safety Authority) as outlined in the Student/Employee handbooks.

Any information that is disclosed to a campus Professional Counsler, when acting as such, are not to be considered a Campus Security Authority’s, though they may choose to voluntarily report anonymous information about crimes disclosed during confidential counseling. All information reported will be for tracking purposes with no identifying information recorded in the report.

Sex Offender Registry

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), in accordance with federal, state and local codes, is required to act as the repository for registration information concerning those persons convicted of a sex crime who reside within the state of Georgia. Information may be obtained on individuals who are registered as sex offenders by visiting: Georgia Bureau of Investigation Sex Offender Registry.

Other Services provided by the Campus Safety Department

Vehicle Jump Start

Jump start service for vehicles with dead batteries. Campus Safety can only use the Jump Box to start vehicles. Campus Safety cannot use a Patrol Vehicle to directly jump start any vehicle due to liability concerns. Campus Safety Officers are not trained mechanics, so if the vehicle needs assistance beyond the capabilities of the Jump Box, an outside service provider or road side assistance will need to be called.

Notary Public

Notary Public services are available to the entire Life University community from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please remember to bring all documentation and proper ID.